SHOCKER!!! Michael Vick is indicted.

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Yea but he's rich and rich people get off in this country. Doesn't help the falcons much though.
Well, indicted, yes, but not convicted.

I'm not saying he won't be convicted, but you know, OJ got off!
The article and the quotes he made in it make it sound like he "owns" the house, but that other members of his family were those involved...Hope everyone get's what they deserve for this, and if he's involved let the fact that he's Michael Vick hold him to a higher standard, because he's in the spotlight and a idol of kids across the nation.
Nope several people are cooperating with the police and confirm that he was there. He's pretty much ****** I think. Hopefully if convicted the Falcons can get out of the contract. They will still get screwed on bonuses already paid from what I read though.
What a wonderful family they are. His brother raped a 13 year old girl and he's accused of killing countless dogs.. Their parents must be proud.
I'm a huge Falcons fan and a huge vick fan as well but good grief people what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty in this country?

I mean its not looking good and I believe if CONVICTED he should pay the full penalty under the law but let's let the process play out shall we.

Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Anyone????????

Those profs who demonized those players never have and never will issue an apology.

I'm just saying let the law run its course then bash away.

Either way, I don't have any dog fighting knowledge but it sounds brutal and I know that as a Dog owner I definatly don't condone it.

Oh well at least we've got Matt Shaub..............DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!
'At the start, authorities seized 66 dogs, including 55 pit bulls, and equipment commonly used in dogfighting. About half the dogs were tethered to car axles with heavy chains that allowed the dogs to get close to each other, but not to have contact -- an arrangement typical for fighting dogs, according to the search warrant affidavit.

Before fights, participating dogs of the same sex would be weighed and bathed, according to the filings. Opposing dogs would be washed to remove any poison or narcotic placed on the dog's coat that could affect the other dog's performance.

Sometimes, dogs weren't fed to "make it more hungry for the other dog."

Fights would end when one dog died or with the surrender of the losing dog, which was sometimes put to death by drowning, strangulation, hanging, gun shot, electrocution or some other method, according to the documents.'
I just don't get it. Why on earth would someone want to throw away a promising future and career over anything like this?

if he is guilty.....that is one dumb and majorly screwed up s.o.b
I know the Falcons feel like idiots since they traded Matt Schaub to the Texans...they look like a better "team" with him at qb anyway.
I just don't get it. Why on earth would someone want to throw away a promising future and career over anything like this?

if he is guilty.....that is one dumb and majorly screwed up s.o.b

Personally, I don't think that he would do it for the money, I think its more of a sick thrill.

It really is a shame. Another of of my favorite athletes goes down in flames.

First Kobe, now this!
True dogfighting is illegal and brutal but that is what makes it so entertaining. Back in roman times they did the same things with humans, letting other humans rip and tear at them or letting animals maul and shred them apart. why? It's part of our nature to be entertained by something so brutal and barbaric. Why else would someone make a movie like Hostel or Saw?? Don't get me wrong on this I'm totally against it, but you guys are making it out to sound like it's never been done before and 'he's the most screwed up person and all for doing this kind of disgusting behavior!'
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