Seller Warning!


I couldn't find a section to rate sellers/buyers or to leave warnings so I thought to post in here and if a mod knows where it belongs please move it.
Cablemirc a member of this forum and owner of has ripped the members of another community off very badly and so incase he tries to sell in here i thought it fair to warn people in here also if anyone questions this go to clubprotege and look up his fs thread and see what happend to them... it is actually the second time he pulled that so be careful!
He still owes me $500 from over a year ago. No lie....

Avoid doing ANY dealings with him at all costs. Its amazing that community (clubprotege) still accepts the fact he is the OWNER and ADMIN of that forum & continues to use other peoples contributions to make money via donations, vendor fee's & such.
so how would we know if he registered with some completely different screen name on this site?
he wouldn't sell anything this forum would want. He sold a lot of 1st gen protege JDM parts like turbo/manifolds, grilles, rear taillights, headlights, bumpers & spoilers & other rare, impossible-to-get-this-side-of-the-ocean parts.
geez...I haven't been active on that forum is years.
he is on this forum as cablemirc. it has been discussed in great length, the whole 'container' incident etc
if you are part of any other forums he is/might be part of let them know this has gone on way too long... i think he's moved on to DSM forums so i plan on searching those to find him
def a ******* thief, i just dont know how anyone would EVER trust his fat ass, its amazing people still buy s*** from him on his pathetic forum, and continue to get ripped off, what are they retarded or something????
I'm sad to see this happen to the members of ClubProtege yet again. It makes me sick to see a great forum destroyed by the greed of one person. I used to call that place home, now it makes me sick to even hear the words "clubprotege". :( Can't say I'm suprised though.

What you guys have to realize is that Dave owns and controlls ClubProtege and all of it's assets and will NEVER let anyone else have control of it. That is something he has already made clear, so you guys are s*** out of luck there. You can ban him all you want, but as long as he still has controll of the domain and database he can do whatever the hell he wants. Therefore, by continuing to post there you do nothing but support him and his wrong doings.

But at any rate, this is why was created in the first place. To all you current ClubProtege members, you are more than welcome on our new forum No tyranical and uncaring Admins at iMazda. That's guaranteed!
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I am not only embarrased, but ashamed to say i was his partner in the creation of clubp when it first started. While none of the *paperwork* had my name on it, i did help start the site.

I am happy to say, that ANY business dealings *I* have done have ALWAYS been legit, my character and track record show that, but i don't want new ppl to think i am in any way, like Dave or condone or suppoort his horrible business dealings. It's truely a shame how far this has gone and i do feel bad for the ppl that feel into his trap.

I wasn't able to escape his theivery either, i too have been ripped. Thats pretty harsh, that not only can he stoop to rip off his members, but his *then* partner as well....

Ever since the *fiasco* (see TheMans post above) i have severed all ties with him and his site. I haven't posted once since...i have read the posts of the *new fiasco* and while i sincerely feel bad for the members, i can't help but say to myself...i told ya so.

Please, heed the call of protegeboy78 and others that have had problems with Dave (cablemirc) stay away, FAR AWAY!!
he "tried" to redeem himself at the beginning of the thread and made some legit sales but i think now it was only to try and make us think he had changed by makeing a couple decent sales then after that decided to just start taking money again and not sending product in return