Sad departure.....


Former owner of Mazda CX 7 GT Electric Blue
Hi everyone...I have not been lurking around much because I have had to give up my blue CX 7. My family is in an extreme financial crunch(big hint...hubby sells real estate and this is the second year in a row of a huge decline in income!) I am now driving a 2006 Chevy HHR the color and the styling) but man I have to tell you I hate the drive of this thing...I did not like much of anything and this was the only style car I liked in my price range...sad to say. I wanted a used 3 but even those are in demand and were too expensive for me. Mazda far exceeds Chevy in every aspect. I even have the bigger engine(not an SS) and it is slow, handling is horrible, steering is so loose and mooshy and it's just boring. I cried over this and have been depressed and I am not usulally an unhappy person. Oh and I just got hail damage on it from a storm recently as did my house and camper. We have to sell our house too....big and beautiful but again cannot afford it any longer. I have heard more and more stories about the economy taking it's toll and we just happen to be ones really hit hard. I hope you all are doing well and I know this too shall pass and I will be zoom, zooming again. Please appreciate what you have....Mazda's rock!!! And appreciate all that you, health, friends's all that matters ultimately! I will try and check back in when I can or feel free to PM me! Peace to everyone!!!


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Wow...Wendy...I'm just speechless. From the CX7 to the HHR, I don't know what to say. I don't want you to feel bad and I do understand given the least I like the color. Well, I hope you are doing fine. No wonder you have not been here. There is a time too that i was thinking of leasing another car or maybe a scooter to fend off the hiking gas prices but my baby is here to stay. Well, good luck and keep me posted.
Hey Shaz....yea, it's not a good thing for me at all....It's hard for me to see the 7's on the road without having some emotion about it, but I have my health, my son and husband are fine...we are just in a bit of a struggle and doing all we can to help ourselves. I just got a job driving a school bus and am training now...boy, those things are huge! I have a new respect for bus drivers!! Sorry, we never got the chance to meet! Yea, the color is nice I gotta agree on that!!! I guess I will live vicariously through you guys for now!!
Hey Wendy,

Just wanted to say hi and that I've always liked your posts/comments and they're always very helpful. You're correct that family, health and friends are all the matter in the end. Don't you worry. You'll be getting another CX-7 or another Mazda before you know it. :) Take care!

PS: your HHR does look very nice. :)
Thanks much...I am glad you enjoyed my posts and it's great to learn and hear from others. Times are tough but yes, it will get better and everyone is healthy....thanks for the kind words...I really appreciate it. I will be back!
good luck, hope things turn around for you and your family.
Hey wendy Best of luck for everything else, but never forget to smile it will take u far. Hope u have a mazda soon
Thanks mucho!

Thanks everyone....I am feeling better and it just puts things into perspective when you go through hard times as things always could be worse....I am not the type to stay down long at all...I bounce back pretty well as I am a postive person and know things will change and be better again....there's always a lesson in tough times and it just makes you stronger and having cool forum members like you guys always is a boost, so thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers! (yes)
Well I'm sorry to hear that that's the way things are going.

MOD Edit: No reason to kick someone in the teeth when they are down.
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Hi Wendy,

I too would like to say that I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you and your family are going through. The economic times are challenging, and many people are needing to make tough decisions. Overall, the slightly higher prices at the pump and grocery store are insignificant compared to real economic displacement... hang in there!

Family, Faith, Health, then Wealth. The CX was only a car...

Good luck weathering the financial winds blowing against you currently, and I wish all the best to you and yours.

Oof! I'm so sorry things are rough going, but I hope they turn around for you. You're doing the right thing and counting your blessings. :)
Hey Shaz....yea, it's not a good thing for me at all....It's hard for me to see the 7's on the road without having some emotion about it, but I have my health, my son and husband are fine...we are just in a bit of a struggle and doing all we can to help ourselves. I just got a job driving a school bus and am training now...boy, those things are huge! I have a new respect for bus drivers!! Sorry, we never got the chance to meet! Yea, the color is nice I gotta agree on that!!! I guess I will live vicariously through you guys for now!!

Hey Cruz,

Sorry to hear about your struggles and I know I'd be sad if I were in your shoes, but really, it's a CAR... there are so many things more important. We recently had a family emergency ourselves and it set up back financially and the state of the economy doesn't help either (with gas, food, home heating all up so much). I've taken a second job myself, which I really think I'm too old to be doing anymore!

You have what's important, your health and your family. Material things come and go in life and in the end don't really matter much. You'll have the car you want again sometime in the future, so don't fret!

I'm pulling for ya!