PSA Mazda Motorsports - best prices I've found on OEM parts


2013 Mazda5 Sport 6MT
Mazda Motorsports (MMS) ( is a program run by Mazda North America to encourage motorsports participation of Mazda cars. Benefits of membership include tech support, and discounts on OEM, Mazdaspeed, and some aftermarket parts. Qualifications to join are that you must race a Mazda vehicle (show evidence of 2 or more race results), or have proof that you are in the process of building one.

From what I've seen so far, they offer the best prices I've been able to find on OEM parts. The last thing I was shopping for was ms3 endlinks:

eBay: 41.29
jimellismazdaparts: 38.16 <--(useful for part diagrams and PNs, though MMS has more complete diagrams)
mazdapartsunlimited: 38.16
mazdapartswholesale: 30.53
parkmazdaoemparts: 29.38 <--(previous to MMS, parkmazda was where I usually found the best price on OEM stuff)
mazdamotorsports: 22.89

MMS has been similarly cheaper (20-30%) on other items I've priced, compared to the best prices I've been able to find elsewhere online. They do charge tax and shipping however, so make sure to take that into account when comparing to other options (MMS still came out cheaper in all instances so far for me).

Just FYI for those who might qualify.
great to know they're still supporting their race efforts. it's been 10+ years since I last ordered from MM. 2 autocrosses a year isn't worth the savings in terms of spare parts for me personally these days though...

also, I think they ship out of SoCal, so for those in LA, you can pickup, which is AWESOME.
Is there a membership fee? I usually have the dealership match the cheapest online dealer cost... but they usually do that anyway before I ask because I visit them so much.
Is there a membership fee? I usually have the dealership match the cheapest online dealer cost... but they usually do that anyway before I ask because I visit them so much.

the membership fee is you have to be a racer to get the discounts. they have an application process, which involves sending in at least two event results with your car listed. (or something to that effect) as long as you are active in motorsports, you can become a member and get the discounts.
Yes, no membership fee. Just have to supply evidence of two race results per year to start and to maintain the membership.
the membership fee is you have to be a racer to get the discounts. they have an application process, which involves sending in at least two event results with your car listed. (or something to that effect) as long as you are active in motorsports, you can become a member and get the discounts.

Yes, no membership fee. Just have to supply evidence of two race results per year to start and to maintain the membership.

Cool, that's how I understood it- just didn't think it was that easy! But with an S2k in the driveway and a CRX being built, I doubt I'll ever have the 5 on the track. :( shipped out slow, (2 days worth), but used priority, so it arrived in 2 days. Not bad for $8!