Protege's were well represented at todays autox...


First off, Dynotrick (Justin) did excellent for his first time out, very smooth. He finished 10th out of 35 in the novice class (a class with some VERY fast DSM's from the local club) I won HS easily, there were only a couple Golfs and a Corolla in with me, and there was a guy in SM with a gorgeous maroon ES who was very fast! Who are you? Speak up if you're here.

I have to learn how to autocross all over again due to the V700's, they have so much grip compared to street tires, I was driving like I was on streets for the first 2 runs, not taxing the tires enough. On my last run I finally started to get it, but still screwed up on one section. Overall the P5 performed wonderfully, it's the driver that has to unlearn some bad habits. Going from an AWD car to a FWD car is also difficult, I was getting on the gas too early, coupled with not carrying enough speed through the corners.
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I'm having way more fun in my MSP than I ever could have in my S4 avant. I'm not missing the 70 HP or the touch-it-stain-it leather.

I miss those recarro seats though...

Got any pics or movies of your runs? Mine will be up soon.
I've got video from the whole day, I'm gonna try doing some still captures of the best parts maybe teusday, will post em if it works ok. (new miniDV camera to play with ;) )
Had a lot of fun today starting to learn what to do out there and improve my times. Can't wait till next week!!!
oh well back to normal life tommorow.