Protege5 Master cylinder removal questions



I had my clutch stick to the floor a about a week ago when I drove from ATL to Catalooche, NC to snowboard (lol2)

on the way back i lost pressure to the clutch pedal. I started the car while it was in 2nd gear and drove all the way back to atlanta shifting without the clutch.

I found out that I had a busted rubber/braided hose going from my clutch master cylinder to the slave. I ordered a new slave, hose as well as a master cylinder.

I have replaced the slave and the hose.

I Cannot get the master cylinder out of the firewall. I removed a bolt as per the FLOPTICAL P5 Guide (

can anyone please tell me how to get the master cylinder out so that I can replace it? is there a bolt behind the fire wall?
do i need to remove the dashboard?
am I over thinking this?
I have tried searching on the forum for hours. I need to replace this asap!
thank you..that bolt is at the most inconvenient position. took me half an hour to figure out how to position myself...

hah. but i have successfully swapped the slave and master cylinders..time for a fluid flush.