powdercoated racing harts


msp 2003.5
Was thinking about powdercoating my wheels flat black on a titanium msp. really just trying to change up the appearance abit. I just cant invision how it would look. Anyone done it or have an opinion on how it might look? Dont wanna dish out the cash to do it then realize I hate it AND ruined my wheels.
lots of people have changed the color (painting or powdercoating) and i think it looks awesome. id think if you really hated it, you could always get it sandblasted and polished.
Yeah I guess it wouldnt be that big of a deal to just switch them to a different color. I just wondered what a flat black would look like. Im thinkin it might look cool so prolly give it a try
Thanks for the link, gives me an idea of what im getting into. think ill take them in to get fixed up abit. Ones got bad road rash and the others just little spots that I notice when cleaning them. Then try and paint them myself and save some cash.
Outlaws gold ones turned out lookin sweet. Did you just use the high temp paint and clear coat aswell on them?
Thanks for the link, gives me an idea of what im getting into. think ill take them in to get fixed up abit. Ones got bad road rash and the others just little spots that I notice when cleaning them. Then try and paint them myself and save some cash.
Outlaws gold ones turned out lookin sweet. Did you just use the high temp paint and clear coat aswell on them?

Here is my .02...if your going to paint the wheels i would say to use VHT Wheel paint. The stuff from autozone works great but you have to use clear coat or it chips really easily. The VHT goes on thick and bonds well with primer and clear isn't necessary. I like the flat black look so I went with the VHT but obviously it's your car so it's up to you. Good luck its a b**** to sand all the clear off so you can apply the paint but worth all the time when its done!!
Here is my .02...if your going to paint the wheels i would say to use VHT Wheel paint. The stuff from autozone works great but you have to use clear coat or it chips really easily. The VHT goes on thick and bonds well with primer and clear isn't necessary. I like the flat black look so I went with the VHT but obviously it's your car so it's up to you. Good luck its a b**** to sand all the clear off so you can apply the paint but worth all the time when its done!!

Yeah wasnt excited about the sanding part. Happily I hit my brother-in-law up today and he's friends with a local powdercoating guy. Said get the tires off and bring them up and he will take care of it for almost nothin. So..we shall see. Gotta love family
I have a paint remover tht can remove powdercoating easily haha.

But I just cleaned my wheels really good, made sure no oil or dirt anywhere on them, taped off the tires and did alot of thin coats, then did alot of coats of clear. I would of powdercoated but didn't want to spend the $ on them since I want to get aftermarket wheels one day. They will work for now though :)