PA/OH Karting meet at BeaveRun, July 28

The price is going to vary based on how many confirm...

We have 5 karts reserved as of right now. There can be 3-5 drivers per kart.

360/team = 120/per driver if 15 people, 90/driver if 20, 70/driver if 25.

Levi, correct me if i'm calculating this wrong...
Can someone explain to me how this works? I've never done it. As of now, I have myself and a friend interested but I'm not sure how much seat time there will actually be?

25 drivers divided by 120 mins? That's like 5 minutes each unless I'm looking at this wrong??
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The price is going to vary based on how many confirm...

We have 5 karts reserved as of right now. There can be 3-5 drivers per kart.

360/team = 120/per driver if 15 people, 90/driver if 20, 70/driver if 25.

Levi, correct me if i'm calculating this wrong...

thats about what its going... we can have 4-5 on a team and if we dont fill the 5 karts its not a big deal... as soon as i get the info on pricing i will relay it to you guys

Can someone explain to me how this works? I've never done it. As of now, I have myself and a friend interested but I'm not sure how much seat time there will actually be?

25 drivers divided by 120 mins? That's like 5 minutes each unless I'm looking at this wrong??

ok so its basically set up like this
the race is 2 hours long, and will consist of 10-12 teams
there will be 4-5 drivers PER team. each team will have a Kart to race with
each driver gets an even amount of time in the kart, each team will be required to make a set amount of "pit stops" where the driver changes will be made
and at the end of 2 hours the team with the most laps wins

the actual race is around 90 min, so for a 5 person team it would be close to 20 minutes

see the above peaches ;)
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^ there were 2 types on the old page, an "open" event and a private one
a private event would be JUST our group on the track and thats 120 per and a 90 mins race,
an "open" event is a 2 hour race, and $360 a team, so cost depends on how many you want on a team and that sort of thing

i just sent him another email asking a few questions regarding which event we will be participating in
im hoping for an "open" event, then there are a total of 12 teams racing, and cost will range from 70-90 bucks (depending if we have 4 or 5 per team)
plus with the practice and qualitfying (based on the eduro stuff you posted in the other thread) there will be more seat time before the actual race. by my calculations, we're looking at about 3 hours of total running time, divided by 5 drivers, that works out to 35 minutes total per driver.
plus with the practice and qualitfying (based on the eduro stuff you posted in the other thread) there will be more seat time before the actual race. by my calculations, we're looking at about 3 hours of total running time, divided by 5 drivers, that works out to 35 minutes total per driver.

yeah thats close

its about an hour of practice, 2 hours of racing with the qualifying in there as well
its going to be alot of fun and for 70-90 bucks (assuming we go with 4-5 drivers per team) we are looking at anywhere from 35-45 mins of solid seat time in a kart

OP has been updated with ALL details
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since we are including names, my committed coworker is Adam. My "probably" coworker is Dave.
Can someone explain to me how this works? I've never done it. As of now, I have myself and a friend interested but I'm not sure how much seat time there will actually be?

25 drivers divided by 120 mins? That's like 5 minutes each unless I'm looking at this wrong??

Jess, you and your friend still interested?
i am trying to have a list together by the end of the month so that i can pass that onto BeaveRun and make sure we end up with our 5 karts. breakdown of time and cost is in the first post

anyone else interested? I have a several guys that are but want to give Mazda folks first dibs at getting in before i go to all of my buddies to fill the 5 karts
ok so we have enough right now to fill 4 karts (4 drivers per team)

is everyone cool with 90 bucks and about 45 mins of seat time or do you of you want to save a little bit of money and go 5 per team or go crazy and go 3 per team
i need to know so i can work out the karting set up and figure out how many karts we have filled so i can relay that to my contact at BeaveRun
as I said in the PM - 4/kart is good for the three of us.
ok so we have enough right now to fill 4 karts (4 drivers per team)

is everyone cool with 90 bucks and about 45 mins of seat time or do you of you want to save a little bit of money and go 5 per team or go crazy and go 3 per team
i need to know so i can work out the karting set up and figure out how many karts we have filled so i can relay that to my contact at BeaveRun

4 karts (4 drivers per team) works for me. Do we have to wear a racing suit for this? If so, will they provide one for us to rent or something?