P5 wtb bumper and other parts


Potential Scammer!
2003 MazdaSpeed
I am looking for a bumper for my 02 p5. It can be stock or aftermarket cause mine got destroyed. I am also looking for a full engine wiring harness. The whole shifter assembly also. IF anyone one has anything please leave me an email at russianmr2@hotmail.com
i already explained myself asshole maybe this will teach you a lesson to not sell broken parts and then be a little b**** about it, so stop bothering me, and witchdoctor fuckoff you have no idea whats going on except from what your butt buddy rogue told you.
i am not hear to argue with you queers so unless you have something of use to tell me do not write me
Here's something of use - Go somewhere else to look for parts.
Vic, we had an agreement. I'd refund half the money, you'd send the part, then I'd refund the rest. Yes? I did my part, and you never sent the BOV. Did I know it wouldn't work? No. Did I offer a way to fix it? Yes, but you chose not to. On more than one occasion did you say you'd send the BOV? Yes. Have you? No. If you send the part, I will refund the rest of the money. Right now you're making yourself look worse.
RussianMR2 said:
i already explained myself asshole maybe this will teach you a lesson to not sell broken parts and then be a little b**** about it, so stop bothering me, and witchdoctor fuckoff you have no idea whats going on except from what your butt buddy rogue told you.
How have you explained yourself? What was your explanation for not sending the BOV as you said you would?

As for Witchdoktor, all he knows is what everyone else knows. I put our whole conversation via PMs out in public view.
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