New Project..... FC TII


i can see this car but in red with the black top... it would look badass (first)
Boricua86 said:

i can see this car but in red with the black top... it would look badass (first)
minus the wing I hope..... (ricer)
I have holes in the back now so I need a wing. I like wings anyway.... I thought about doing a carbon fiber "drift style" (if you will) wing. I'll probably just keep the black one I have unless I can get a decent price on that carbon fiber one.

I think a carbon hood, upper and lower wings, with painted black top would look kinda cool.
aw yea, i'm liken it...

hey, as your project goes, post pics on all your mods... i can't wait to see the results...
Boricua86 said:
aw yea, i'm liken it...

hey, as your project goes, post pics on all your mods... i can't wait to see the results...

I don't know how mod crazy I'll be going for a while.... I was tempted to buy wheels yesterday due to price (Rishi rocks btw). However, I need to rebuild the motor before I spend any money on it for things that are not needed.

I think I'm just going to do a stock rebuild... new water seals, rings, gaskets, rotor housings. I'll be using all the used parts I can (Pineapple Racing is close buy and will allow me to do most of the work myself). I'll do the oil mods too. It'll just be a super cheap rebuild to get it running and safe.

The plan before was to get a 13B RE (2 rotor Cosmo engine) and hybrid that with 13B REW parts (FD RX-7 engine) and shoot for around 600hp with a bigger turbo (T04). I still might do something to that nature in the future. That will be a while down the road however. Depending on if I sell my MSP. This FC will just be a side thing and very low priority with time and money.
Good luck re-restoring it. The people who stripped it were probably 7 owners. alot of that stuff only fits the 7 unless they knew how on demand those items are. Rx-7s flood alot, if you install a very hard to find fuel cut switch, it makes for great anti theft.
Heh, not really..... I bought a dirtbike so that kind of became a new focus. I'm going to get this thing back together and sell it again. :)

I've got so many projects going on now... but it's fun to have lots going on.
Pullin the motor soon.... Having it built.

Got a bunch of other stuff on the way. I need to get my Luv out of the way so I have two bays to work on this.

I got the thing started the other night... Feels so tired though. I was amazed I got it running after it sitting for 3 years (old gas) and having 184k on the engine.

Looks like I might be throwing an FD motor in now... Found a price I can't pass up.

Here's a few newer pics from the other week.



Got the motor out this week.... Plans are to throw a built 13B-T REW in now. Zingo





