New engine at only 19,000 miles

shaolin said:
^^^I was just about to mention the same thing...I find it funny that everyone is all up in arms over one RX-8 needing a new engine at less than 20K miles. The fact of the matter is, she has an early model with an early build date I'm quite sure, and if you go to ANY message forum for a particular car, you'll find plenty of replaced engines and trannies.

It's the facts of life. There will always be a few bad apples. I'd actually be happy about getting a new engine if I were you diane. Just as long as they don't put a rebuilt or salvaged title on the car. Shoot who knows how those demo miles went for your car.
Words of the wise. :)

I am happy about the new engine. (strike) She's running great. I know our car didn't get any of the flashes or TSBs done to her when she was a demo(not even a first oil change), so I expected something to happen, just not this soon. But better sooner than later I say.

I have more hope for the '05s. None of the '05s we have sold have had any issues yet. I hate it that we had several '04 auto RX-8s lemoned. The women who owned them said they'd never own a Mazda again. :( I would never abandon my brand. If the engine goes out when the warranty runs out, we'll just shovel a boosted 13B-REW in her.

Thank you guys for comforting me. I am feeling better about the situation and have more hope for the engine this time around. Maybe Greg will want to keep the car after he has driven her for a while more...
protejay5 said:
guys, dont be detterred. not ALL rx-8's will need new engines at 19K. unfortunately for diane, she got a bad seed :( .
He's right. I am glad it happened to me because I have some understanding for the quirks of rotaries.

I should have known better than to post such an ugly message, but I was pissed at the time. (shrug)

btw, diane. i think we bough the same car, lol. mine is a demo aswell. it has 6K, auto, and its black. i copied j00!!
(lol2) Mine's a six speed though. ;) here's a GOOD pic of her, blingy chrome wheels and all:

I need to take some new pics because she now has the chrome gas lid and front and rear rotor accents. It's not much, but if I am going to need a new engine in the future ;) I don't want anything aftermarket on the car so Mazda can't b****. :D
I want the fender strakes too, but $275 is WAYYY to much for a few little aluminum thingys...(shocked)

also, i know nothing about lawncare. its just an inside joke that has to do with the fact that im mexican.
(cryhard) I make racial slurs and generalizations about my being a brown person ALL the time too!!

Dammit, I really needed some help on the lawn thing too...time for an off topic thread... :D
Micah said:
350Z... make the trade
I like the track model...(glare) I think we may go drive one today. Not for a trade, but just because when they came out no one could TOUCH one.

Greg's parents just bought a convertible 6spd and I drove it, but I wasn't able to get on it or take any fast turns because when they came to visit it was raining the whole time...the Suck...

I am STILL drunk from last night...(cheers) (alright) (friday) (beer)
IF the RX-8 only had 50 more hp, I would have gotten it instead. Still love the look.
just to balance the scale, my 8 has been FLAWLESS (other than some goddamn road debris chipping the front end of my 8, thanks thin mazda paint (argh) ) for 6400 miles since November '04.

for all you guys that are interested in the 8, if you look for '05s or '04s with really late build dates like after may '04, all the kinks should be worked out, and you should be fine :)
Micah said:
Wow - So glad I went for the 350z instead of the RX-8.
I don't come here often so if this is an old question, forgive me. But why are you posting in the rotary section?

Micah said:
My main reason was reliability. Rotary engines don't have the best track record for longetivity, whereas Nissans 6-cyl (VQ?) has been used in alot of their cars for quite a while now.
Well, I won't argue that my 13b REW has the life expectancy of your 6 pistons. But if maintained and not driven like they were stolen, FDs are generally good for 100k. And since stock they out perform your Z in just about any category....I guess reliability really was your top priority. (thumb)
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ZoomZoomH said:
for all you guys that are interested in the 8, if you look for '05s or '04s with really late build dates like after may '04, all the kinks should be worked out, and you should be fine :)

how can you tell what your build date is?
protejay5 said:
how can you tell what your build date is?

Look on the data sticker, or VIN tag, probably in driver's door jam. It should indicate the build date. If you've still got the window sticker, I think it's also listed on that.
Brian MP5T said:
New isn't always better...

in the case of the 04 RX-8s, it is actually true that newer ones will have significantly less possibility of build issues compared to really early builds. There were quite a few updates/TSBs for the 8 during the early parts of the 04 build runs.

if your 04's VIN ends at 36000+, the car should be pretty solid.... and 05s are all pretty good AFAIK from owner feedbacks on the RX8 forum...
Maybe you guys can answer this one for me. Why am I starting to see RX-8's on damn near every used car lot in the area?
It seems like alot of people are trading them in after only a year. Whats up? Are these likely the early ones that have alot of issues?
1sty said:
Maybe you guys can answer this one for me. Why am I starting to see RX-8's on damn near every used car lot in the area?

I see more new Zs than 8s....seriously. (rofl2)
^ i concur, I see more Z's on the used lots here in northern VA than 8's... though 8s do start to show up on used lots as well, and i highly suspect they are all really early builds, because people with PERFECTLY RUNNING 8's don't trade them in ;) ;)
Signal 2 said:
I don't come here often so if this is an old question, forgive me. But why are you posting in the rotary section?
I'm the only authorized vendor to post cock pics, and you were expecting me to make sense to you.... ok - I'm a jack-ass, there's your answer!
Signal 2 and his infinite eloquence said:
Well, I won't argue that my 13b REW has the life expectancy of your 6 pistons. But if maintained and not driven like they were stolen, FDs are generally good for 100k. And since stock they out perform your Z in just about any category....I guess reliability really was your top priority. (thumb)

Yep, it was. I work 70 hours a week, so no matter how much I like the idea of tuning and having fun with the car - I really don't have the time. I do have free time (believe it or not), but I spend it with friends and occasionally getting sleep.

Dyno on a 13b rew with quite a few mods appears to be 323hp/284tq according to this page:

Those are awesome numbers, but I wanted something which was fun to drive, looked nice, and had a warranty. Also, I wanted something with a good residual value, so that when it's paid off in 2 or 3 years I can trade it in and get something nicer, most likely a corvette or if my income situation keeps growing the way it has been a vette and a house. Plus, god forbid I lose one of my jobs - I can still afford to keep the car, and it will be reliable to boot.

So yeah, the RX7 is definitely a fun car, unfortunately it just isn't what I'm looking for.
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ZoomZoomH said:
^ i concur, I see more Z's on the used lots here in northern VA than 8's... though 8s do start to show up on used lots as well, and i highly suspect they are all really early builds, because people with PERFECTLY RUNNING 8's don't trade them in ;) ;)

Word of warning to anyone purchasing a used Z - hit any of the Z forums and search for Tire Feathering. Major problem on the 03's and some of the 04's hopefully/supposedly fixed on the 05's. Got my extended warranty but I know it ain't covering tires, worse comes to worse I'll use it as an excuse to myself to buy an aftermarket suspension setup.

Oh, and I think rx-8's are showing up on the lots because people expected something faster. The 13b rew put down 255bhp and the renesis kicks out 238hp and according to this stock dyno:

159.5whp. It's got the miles per gallon charactertics of a much faster car. I took one for a test drive and liked the way the z felt overall better. That plus the difference in residual value really made the difference to me.