MTV and Neuspeed_Junker. . . Photoshoot - 56K

Nice pics.....I need to get a new Camera..I love this stuff.

I' am lovin' the MSP lip on the 22V....I might have to do that.
It HaWT!

Couple of Suggestions though.....Remove your Door moldings....It will look much cleaner.

And paint the lip on the black one...also will look much cleaner IMHO.
Awesome pics in the carrefour Laval multi level!!!! ;) and the highway shot, is that the bridge on hwy 13 ??

I love the shot with lines from head and tail lights, always wonder how to make those :S
Very nice pictures. I like your high f stop shots the best that produced the star light effect on the lights. looks like you where using a Canon 20D. You used a 10mm fish eye, which other lens did you use. over all they all look great, the only thing that caught my eye was the air freshers on the r.v. mirror :)