MS3 on e85

No, you cant run E85 right off the bat. The engine has to support it due to higher temps and the fuel system. Also the volume of fuel is about double.
Plus on motors ready to run E85 certain engine components are stronger and different material. E85 will kill and motor that is not ment for it over time not to mention you will get worse gas mileage and it may be 105 octane but its not F-150 can run E85 and i get about 3mpg worse and with my Edge Evo tuner on my 93octane tune it knocks.
E85 FTL...and its sad that I think that because the company I work for is pimping that s*** hard.
Are you ******* retarded? E85 rocks. WTF are half the answers to this? Guesses?

E85 can be extremely corrosive to rubber seals and the like; however, can make serious power. Internals??? Pure stupidity.

Haltech is the most correct.

Actually, E85 sucks. It may be fine as a fuel (which is debatable), but not as a replacement for gas. Have you been to the grocery store recently? Ethanol in fuel is responsible for the huge price increases we have been seeing in food as of late. You also get worse mileage with ethanol, since ethanol contains about 70% of the energy as the same volume of gas does.

Cellulosic ethanol is the answer. Fuel from orange peels and grass clippings. It also has a lot more energy than does corn ethanol.
Hell, I mow my yard every weekend; a full 30 gallon garbage bag of clippings!!!

Do I just dump it in the gas tank!!??? (huh)

Hell, I mow my yard every weekend; a full 30 gallon garbage bag of clippings!!!

Do I just dump it in the gas tank!!??? (huh)


well since your from florida you must have bermuda grass, bahai, or st augustine grass or those other kinds you southerns grow. that kind of grass doesnt work. you need high grade new england grass such as fine fescues or rye grass. it only comes around half a year but its very valuable. ill sell you some when the season is right. pm me. prices are set.
Actually, the higher prices in food can be attributed to the higher prices of gas more than the increased demand for corn. Considering some semis have to fill up for $1500, that causes the end user to make up that difference.
Now corn demand is causing some price increases, but mostly to people in Mexico as they are the main source of our corn export. But beef prices have increased because of the price of corn. This is because corn is their primary food source, so that does suck. Cows are delicious...
When it comes to your car running E85, there is a lot of truth to some of these remarks. Any car right now can run on E85, but not every car will last. It eats away all rubber seals and gaskets. To make it run ethanol for a longer period of time you need to switch out your gaskets for prolly some copper ones and fuel lines for SS.
It is true there is less energy per unit volume in ethanol. Having said that, I find it VERY difficult to believe it causes higher internal temperatures in the engine. We all remember the laws of conservation of energy which states energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change its form. This is evident in engines where the energy from gas gets converted to mechanical motion and heat. Seeing as there is the same mechanical motion, but with less energy per unit volume, there is no way that the heat energy will increase. Thats like saying 2+2=4 for gas, but 2+2=5 for ethanol. But I could be wrong.(uhm)
Now, corn as a source to create ethanol is definitely not the best. Brazil has been running ethanol for years, but they make theirs out of sugar cane. We decided to go with corn because it is abundant and easy to grow. Once the demand for ethanol increases in the US, I am sure you will see other sources emerge as the primary source of ethanol.
^^^ I agree. Higher octane = lower temperature burn. If ethanol is 105 octane, then it has to burn at a lower temp than 93.
E-85 is race gas. All the Hillbillies in the midwest are running that stuff in their drag cars. Lets do the math: $1.97 a gallon for 105-110 octane that gets 1/3 the gas mileage of gasoline, or pay $6-10 for leaded 110 octane. If I could use E-85, I would run a race car on the street.

It's even cheaper than 91+Meth!!!!!!