Ms3 Mpg

Mine's fixed hard at 22MPG no matter how I drive (hand calculated method). I could give a flying **** though. I love driving this thing!

I agree. I watch it every once in a while. But i don't care if it's not getting the 30-35 that some cars are getting right now. How you gonna have that much fun driving a Prius (and yes I know they get better gas mileage than that but that's beyond the point here). Anyways if you have a car with a turbo it's going to be lower. I'm gonna gas on it- i don't care if it drops it to 20 MPG- at least I am enjoying what I paid for. (drive)
But recently ive been driving with the dsc turned off and ive noticed ive been getting 30-50 extra miles to the tank

When I had my TBSS, I noticed a decent increase in MPG with Stabilitrak/Traction Control completely off. But that's in an Automatic trans. The engine would rev 300rpms higher in the final gear, and whenever i'd let off the gas the trans would slow the truck down immediately. Whereas, when I turned everything off, I could modulate the throttle a lot more accurately and the truck would then coast a HELL of a lot more smoothly instead of jerking to a stop almost.

I don't know how much this would affect our MS3's though being manual's. But I guess it's worth a try.

Reality is, it's cold as balls and our cars are going to run rich as hell to compensate for that.
I only live about 3.5 Miles from work, and barely get on the highway anymore. So I get 26mpg in the warmer weather and now I have been getting between 24.8-25.2mpg. The snow storms lately really put a damper on the mileage dropping it to that 24.8 because of slushy wheel spin. Shift as low as possible and barely gas it. Usually in 6th going 40-45.

I have always wondered if people think I am driving really slow for having a performance oriented car, but yeah I liked the mpg.

I will be moving soon to a little farther way but will be able to maintain speed (55) most of the drive so it should shoot up a bit.
Sport, I used to shift into 6th around 40mph but the thing I found is i'd always need to downshift constantly to get around some asshole, or get stuck behind someone going too slow to the point where i'd put a lot of unnecessary load on the engine.

I run 5th until i'm about to touch 50mph and see a clean shot ahead of me. 6th is all I need on the e-way, I accelerate or pass in 6th as well. The way boost comes on, that's all I need.

I used to shift super early but the way the trans acts when it's super cold, as well as all the slush and snow, i'll use 1st all the way out of my complex, not going any higher than 15mph and letting it rev up to 2800 rpms, then drop it into 2nd as i'm leaving the traffic area of the complex. Trying to shift all the time in the cold is a PITA. I'm debating on a different trans fluid next winter.
I found about 2 MPG increase when the CAI & CBE was installed , I had driven only 400 miles waiting for parts to show up when new. (Might also have just been breaking in you know) The best so far has been 2 tanks where I got 34MPG + and saw 400 + on the odometer before the light came on. I was purposely shifting under 3K and unlike my normal driving, doing right on the speed limit. I had told my wife that I was getting the CAI and CBE for the increased mileage I expected (SURE) and one day she asked me to prove it. I drive 110 miles a day up and down the I94 through Milwaukee, As I said befor the Winters here have drop that to 25mpg or so.
got 26.6mpg in it on the way back from dallas, but could have done better, had i just been on the highway the entire time, and i got stuck in traffic trying to get out of town... and running close to 80mph when i could (this car loves 80-85mph)

i'm pleased.. i wonder if the k&n filter will help the mpg a bit as it did has in other cars. i could see 30mpg out of this car. on the highway the entire time, cruising, moderate speed.

gotta tell you... this car was a blast to drive yesterday.. a real miracle i didn't get a ticket....
I got 32mpg last time. This is done by math and not the trip computer. This with with extremely conservative driving. 95% hwy and keep from going over 65mph.

Only performance mod is a CP-e Nano Xcel SRI w/ Amsoil AE Dry Filter

Our cars can be fuel just won't be very fun to drive.
Update: So I decided not to drive like an old lady this past fill-up and... oddly enough, my avg gas mileage is now 26.3! I know this isn't the most scientific but... I still find it interesting. Needless to say, I'll take that kind of gas mileage any day!
Update: So I decided not to drive like an old lady this past fill-up and... oddly enough, my avg gas mileage is now 26.3! I know this isn't the most scientific but... I still find it interesting. Needless to say, I'll take that kind of gas mileage any day!

Wha? You're punching it more and you're getting better gas mileage?
I averaged about 24 before Nano SRI. Now since a reset, I average 22.1. But it's cold here (30s) when I drive, MAF is still adjusting, and I'm trying to avoid 10% ethanol. Hopefully will pick up.
forgot to add, the 30 mpg was with the XEDE. it has been proven to improve MPG slightly.
Yep, the computer is 7%-10% optimistic. So if it shows 20.9, you're actually in the 18 range. It'll improve once it's broken in. I babied mine until 2K. A weekend trip while still breaking it in got 30.4. The return trip was past 2K, so somewhat faster. Got 28.8 Now at 7.6K, I get about 22 on my commute.
I must be doing something different than you folks. Even when we had -30 wind chills I got 23/24 mpg. This last fill up with some 20 degree days I got 27mpg. Trip computer avg was around 26.
it's funny, but ours seems to be creeping up as well... now at about 2000 miles and the engine is revving a bit quicker, and the mileage is increasing slightly...

i had a super fun drive back from dallas to houston tuesday evening....zooming down the hills then zooooming up the other side... on purpose, i took a quiet, empty back road (lots of those around here), near a place called monaville, texas (look that one up on google maps...heheheh), and had a chance to drive at the extreme limit of the headlights for a bit... this really has to be one of the best driving FWD cars ever made... hands down... :)
I must be doing something different than you folks. Even when we had -30 wind chills I got 23/24 mpg. This last fill up with some 20 degree days I got 27mpg. Trip computer avg was around 26.

i never really paid attention to the mileage i was getting in the winter until this thread came up because i knew what i got all summer and didn't expect much different, but when it was no higher than the teens here for a couple weeks, i got at least 4mpg worse than over the summer. i thought it would change little, but that big of a change surprised me quite a bit.
I've spent some time tracking mileage and here's what I've found ..
1. Doesn't matter too much how you drive it. It's going to get what it gets.
2. In town mileage is bad .. maybe 17 mpg or so.
3. Cold weather really gets it sucking gas no matter how you drive it.

I try to shift around 3k or so, and even lower, which I think is conservative driving. 1-2 shift is often around 3.5-4k.
i swear i must have the worst mileage of anybody, esp for the conditions. the last tank i purposedly drove like a grandma just to see the upper limit, but my daily commute is 6 mi strictly city. best i could do [true #] is 18.7 mpg; computer said 20.1...(shrug)