MS3 availability


I was surprised after looking at mazda dealers inventory. I would say about 2/3's of the dealers near me have at least one MS3.

However, I wont be in the market for one for a few months so these will obviously not be around then. Is their a schedule for the next shipment of MS3's?

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Honestly, you really need not worry about one being available. I'm pretty certain that due to limited marketing there will be a fair amount of ms3's available. Much like the ms6 Mazda will probably need to put out some incentives to get rid of them.
It sucks that the ms3 will not reach the popularity of say an EVO or STI, in order to SELL all of them but if it's all the same, I'd rather be able to fly under the radar, and possibly get a *steal* from a dealer in a few months.
msp35 said:
Honestly, you really need not worry about one being available. I'm pretty certain that due to limited marketing there will be a fair amount of ms3's available. Much like the ms6 Mazda will probably need to put out some incentives to get rid of them.
It sucks that the ms3 will not reach the popularity of say an EVO or STI, in order to SELL all of them but if it's all the same, I'd rather be able to fly under the radar, and possibly get a *steal* from a dealer in a few months.

No way of knowing if the cars shown in inventory are pre-sold or not. In my area, I know that they are pre-sold at least for the two dealer I have dealt with.

The demographic/affordability of the two cars is very different. IMO the MS6 didn't sell despite limited numbers b/c most older folks with cash for a $28K-$33K car want an AT option. I keep citing the new IS350 which has 300hp but comes with AT ONLY. Seems like most of the MS3's hanging around are the ones with a premium. Many, many appear to have been pre-sold.

I'm not saying the current level of MS3 scarcity will continue, I'm just saying that I doubt they're gonna need incentives to move. We'll have to wait to see how many of the Spring deliveries are pre-sold as the hype dies down. Also, new allocations of MS3 to a dealer depends on selling what they have, unlike the MS6 which were just dumped on them.

I hope you all get a bargain, just don't expect a huge one.
I've posted on this before. Mazda is 'trickling' the MS3 into the USA to allow delaers time to sell them if they aren't presold. They are also doing it this way to keep interest and demand high. With the MS3, they aren't doing a single, big production run. They aren't dumping 5 of them at a dealer at once. Each dealer is only allotted a certain number determined by Mazda - it doesn't matter how well the dealer sells the first ones it gets. Plus not every Mazda dealer is a MAZDASPEED authorized delaer, which is required in order to sell the MS3.

I think that Mazda has thought out the presentation of the MS3 to the American market very well. I think they finally understand how to sell their limited production vehicles.
even the msp was sold that way, each dealer being allotted a certain number and had to be a mazdaspeed authorized dealer to sell them...not really new.

I never saw truckloads of MSPs being unloaded at dealers either. From my perspective they trickled in but then a puddle of them formed, like the MS6 when no one bought them.
Point well taken. I don't remember the MS6 being so hyped up in the car publications as the MS3 though.

Only time will tell. If people can get deals on this great car - all the better!
I always assumed they would sell all the initial shipments but they would eventually stop selling and pile up at dealers.
Mazdaspeed 6 was an experiment by Ford/Mazda anyways lol. It need not any advertising. IMO the speed3 is advertised a lot more than the speed6.
I remember the MSP getting totally trashed by some of the publications out there as well...

maybe I don't remember correctly...
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well Ive seen one at two different dealers. the one is a fully loaded GT w/ nav and a $2K markup. It's got 113miles on it and been sitting for over a week now. the other one was a GT w/o nav sold for msrp the day it hit the lot w/ only 5 miles on it, the buyer didn't even test drive it. And of course nobody knows when they're getting another one:rolleyes:
highwaypizza said:
I remember the MSP getting totally trashed by some of the publications out there as well...

maybe I don't remember correctly...

The MSP actually got GREAT reviews from *enthusiast* mags. The only thing anyone picked on was lack of power (surprise, surprise). I guess thats what mazda gets by slapping a turbo on an n/a block w/o any real tuning.
However, only so many people will actually read an enthusiast magazine. Since there was no 'mainstream' advertising for the msp, much like the ms3, IMO we will see them sitting and waiting for an 'enthusiast' to pick up. By mainstream I mean, ads in other magazines, tv commercials, radio commercials, etc.
Renesis8 said:
Mazdaspeed 6 was an experiment by Ford/Mazda anyways lol. .....

Yeah, that was my first thought as an MS6 owner when they came out with the lame excuse for "powerloss" of it being our poor quality US fuel. Like they don't know the quality parameters of the US gasoline distribution system! IMO Ford/Mazda wanted to know the limits of the turbo DISI engine before they rolled it out in the mass market CX-7.
msp35 said:
The MSP actually got GREAT reviews from *enthusiast* mags. The only thing anyone picked on was lack of power (surprise, surprise). I guess thats what mazda gets by slapping a turbo on an n/a block w/o any real tuning.
However, only so many people will actually read an enthusiast magazine. Since there was no 'mainstream' advertising for the msp, much like the ms3, IMO we will see them sitting and waiting for an 'enthusiast' to pick up. By mainstream I mean, ads in other magazines, tv commercials, radio commercials, etc.

Thank you for clarifying my fuzzy memory, msp35! The power issue was what I remember getting a thrashing. Not that it isn't a fast, powerful car but it could have been better in the power department.
There are still 2006 MS6's on lots so it is safe to say the best deals for MS3s won't be had until August-September-October. The only reason I would buy earlier would be if you wanted specific options/colors but with the MS3 and MS6 there isn't much to choose from so you won't have much trouble if you wait.
I hope thats true but the only colors I have seen on dealers inventory were black or red. Since I want silver that could be a problem.
nocoastgangster said:
There is a sliver MS3 sport at Rosen Mazda in Waukegan, il if that helps.

black one at Liberty Mazda in Libertyville as well
so is a limited production?? Like the msp or they going to make more in 2008???