MP3 Playback

2014 Mazda CX-5 Grand Touring
Hi all! I purchased a 2014 CX-5 GT today and am very pleased with it so far. I burned a new MP3 CD, put it in and I get no sound from it. Also, it's listed just as one track. I burned it as a data CD and double checked that all files are indeed *.mp3 file types. Can someone help please? I'd like to know if I need a new unit put in the vehicle.

Side note: All other forms of audio seem to be working. I plugged in my phone to the USB port and the audio is working fine. I just think the audio quality would be best from an actual disc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Does it work in another CD player? I would not burn it as a Data CD. Normally you should choose Audio CD, or Copy Disc if it is coming from another actual CD.
The only way to burn an MP3 CD is as a data disc, I assumed. Burning as standard audio would go against the whole reason I want an mp3 disc (more songs)! I just don't understand why I'm not getting any sound from it. I double checked the owners manual. It should definitely play MP3's. I don't have another vehicle to test the CD in, but it did work on the computer after burning it.
I'm wondering if I just had a bad disc. I've burned manyyyyyyy mp3 CDs in the past and ran into no issues. I did burn on a CD-R at 16x and I made sure to finalize the disc. I am, however, using a different burning software than I have previously. I don't own (and actually despise) any and all Apple products. I guess for the sake of just getting a CD made I could download iTunes. Thanks.
I just think the audio quality would be best from an actual disc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I can't help you with regards to specific results of an MP3 cd, as I have not tried that yet. However I can help you with respect to this comment quoted here. The sound quality for the head unit decoding an MP3 file is going to be the same regardless of how the file physically arrives (either via CDROM or USB.) With access to USB, I personally see no reason to use a CD. The USB access will be far faster when switching through songs, and the capacity will be far greater ( in gigabytes for usb sticks vs approx 700 mb on a CD.) Not to mention USB doesn't get scratched, and you can easily store a handful of USB sticks in the console.

CDROMS as a data storage platform is all but totally dead.
Yeah, I went ahead and just started using my phone. Still irks me why I'm getting no sound out of a head unit that is suppose to play *.mp3 files.
I played my MP3 recorded CD this week with no problems, using a cheap disk and recording to it using the win 7 built in program.
I used to make MP3 dicks for my 2006 Ford Escape. Using the windows data disc setting worked with XP, did not work with windows 7, I ended up using free mp3 burning software to do this. However because I can use a USB flash drive in my CX-5 there is 0 reason to use a disc (750mb disc.. or a multiple GB flash drive). The audio quality will not be different for music at the same bitrate. The file is the same, the storage medium is different that is all.
Yeah not quite sure why you'd want to put them on CD, buy even a 4 gig USB Stick for $7, and throw them on there, you can store a lot more than on a 700mB CD anyway, and it will load right up!
Also got music on the phone, still I'd dump them all for the six cd player we had in the last car.
Yeah not quite sure why you'd want to put them on CD, buy even a 4 gig USB Stick for $7, and throw them on there, you can store a lot more than on a 700mB CD anyway, and it will load right up!

Are you not having resume issues with your USB stick(s)?