MP3 (future) Set-up


Blue MP3
Hey everyone, havent posted here in a while but anyway... This is about what I plan to get for my MP3, yeah I know its expensive, but I want to have a pretty much complete list, or atleast a very good idea, of everything I want to do to my car whether it be in a few days or a few years, so I can keep track of what I've done and focus on working on the car once I start doing things. So here goes....

Headers - OBX
Cat-Back Exhaust - Still debating of which company...
Spark Plug Wires - Nology
CAI - eBay
Motor Mounts - AWR
SS/Bushings - Kartboy
Clutch - Probably SPEC Stage 3
Cams - J-spec/WMS..either or...
SC - WOMP! Yes, I have faith in matty, I dont want crap about it...

This is what I've got so far. I'd like opinions on whats up there, if you think theres a better company for that product or whatever, post it. I'd also like to know anything, and I mean ANYTHING, else you think would be a part which is worth the time and money. Even give me some that maybe are only a little useful, but are still nice to have or you think are really great, considering I did say I wanted a complete list...! Anything from a bolt/nut and a new gasket, to a battery and a pulley, or forged internals and P&P. All ideas, opinions, and judgements are welcomed, appriciated, and hoped for.

Thank you!
hey if u want to save some money i read the how-to somewhere in the how-to section that u can just fill ur stock motor mounts n it almost performs as good, but not as good i might b doin it soon, if i dont sell my mp3
I would suggest if you plan on spending a lot of coin on the car you do it right from the very beginning. I would start saving for the forged engine and blower first. Once these are on the way you can focus on the smaller pieces. Doint anything else will have you in the same boat as almost everyone else.... Get the big stuff out of the way first and the little stuff will be easy to get. Also, you'll be able to get much more power much more reliably this way.
pdhaudio83: Thanks...(Rikku is awesome!)

Matty: I was thinking of forged internals and you do have a very good point. With all the problems of people boosting too high, your idea is probably the best. Also with the money I'll be spending, I'll need it to be reliable because I wont have money for extra repairs or a new car even, so it will be done right.
Thanks, talk to you elsewhere. ;)
i would also sugest the kartboy exhaust hangers, for when u get the cat back