MP3/CD Won't play all folders

2017 CX-5 2.2D Nav Eternal Blue Mica
What I mean is....

I have put several tracks from several albums onto one cd in mp3 format, my own compilation if you like. On my last 3 cars I could leave the disc to play and all tracks would happily do so in order (unless I picked random)

If I put the cd into the player, plays ok recognises & names the track, but will only play the "folder" unless I scan & select the next folder, which may only contain one or two tracks. A bit like an I-pod really. The sound system is the normal standard, not the Bose.

Anyone else get this? I am disappointed at losing some functionality.

Sorted my own fix.

Record the tracks again onto a new disc, but do not store them on the CD in file format, simply load all the tracks together.

Then I found a better fix, plugged in the I-pod using the Apple lead into the USB, et-viola, full I-Pod functionality from the in-car audio controls. Who needs CD's anyway?

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