Motor mount review between the differant brand on the market


I would like get you review, about the differant motor mount alaible on the market

I woulike know whitch one is the best for daily driver car




street unit


May forget some brand if yes feel free to add the brand and you comment on it


I would recommend the Medieval Motor Mounts.....its the best Motor mount for the buck and not to mention. Here is my opinion.....the OEM mounts will tear, the front first then the rear to follow then possibly the side could blow out....

I have replaced mine with AWRs front and rear and side inserts.....but I got hella where even my passengers in the back seat were getting back massages......when Medieval released their motor mounts I first installed the Medieval Front MM and it stopped a good percentage of vibrations and still held like the AWRs....if it could eliminate the much vibration to where its just about comparable to the OEM vibrations and hold as strong as the AWR( and I am just talking about the Front MM) I can't wait to put in the rear MM and get it back to feeling smooth instead of having my whole dashboard shake. I just removed my AWR passenger side inserts and installed the Medieval Side MM and again I am impressed....less vibrations, and holds so well.....I will be posting up a review with pictures in the vendor review section much like the one I posted up for Medieval's Fromt MM. Here check out the review I put it all the mounts are direct swaps:

I have said it in other threads......Medieval MMs are one of the best bang for the bucks mods you can install in your car.

+1 on the Medieval mounts!

I recently replaced the front, rear, and passenger side mounts in my daily driven Protege ES. Even with solid mounts in all three places, it vibrated just a hair more than ONLY a front AWR mount. These are quality mounts. The finish and presentation are spectacular.

As a side note, Brach kept in constant contact with me to make sure I received them after there was an error with Medieval's site when I placed the order. Kudos to him for this great customer service.

thank for your comment

it look like medival is the best for daily driver car

I will buy those because my front motor mount is torn

Thank again for you help

np! I would also recommend their light weight pullies. hell of a lot lighter than the stockers.