Mercedes to supply Aston Martin with engines???


2012 Subaru WRX
Aston Martin could strike up an alliance with Mercedes-Benz, according to the car-makers majority shareholder.

Adham Charanoglu of Kuwaiti company Investment DAR has been in the news this week having said that Aston and Mercedes could co-operate on a wide range of ventures, from just engine supply to entirely new models.

Intriguingly, there is a Kuwaiti connection between Aston and Mercedes. While Aston is majority owned by DAR, the Kuwati Investment Authority owns a 7 per cent stake in Daimler AG, Mercedes parent company.

Sources at Aston Martin have told Autocar that the company is free to source future engines from anywhere. It's currently reliant on Ford engine, but while the Blue Oval retains a small stake in the company, it's not enough to prevent it going elsewhere for powerplants.

And there could be substantial benefits from various tie-ups with an automotive powerhouse such as Mercedes. A tiny company like Aston needs to buy in ancilliary components such as climate control units, and electrical architectures, from third parties - they are simply too costly to independently engineer - and a deal with Mercedes could supply systems like these. Crash-test engineering and global test programmes could also be piggybacked.

And deeper co-operation may even be possible, model-for-model. The next-generation Merc SL is switching to an aluminium platform, opening the way for Aston Martin to co-operate on an entire vehicle.

Charanoglu also said that he wanted to see Aston Martin merchandising expand massively. DAR has been in negotiations with Mercedes, LVMHs Luis Vuitton and PPRs Gucci about high-end branded goods. Merchandising revenue turned over $100m in 2006 and he wanted that to leap to $300m by 2009.
I don't think I'd have a problem with them switching from Ford to Mercedes powerplants. I would have a problem with them ruining the looks of their cars. In the appearance department, they need to remain separated from Mercedes.
who owns Aston Martin? i know there were an independent company, but weren't they bought out some time ago?
But don't they compete against each other?

Not really. Aston Martin is much more expensive and exclusive than Mercedes. The only place they almost bump up against each other is with the Mercedes SL or the SLR McLaren, but the SL just barely touches the bottom-end of Aston's price range, and the SLR is a lot more of a sports car than pretty much anything Aston makes.
I dunno, i think Merc makes some pretty good engines. They're certainly designed to lug around heavy cars, i think this might be a good thing for Aston in terms of performance.
I thought PRODRIVE bought Aston Martin?

Aston Martin was not using Ford engines but Jaguar engines.
I thought PRODRIVE bought Aston Martin?

Aston Martin was not using Ford engines but Jaguar engines.

My only guess is that this Kuwaiti company owns ProDrive. It wasn't ProDrive that bought them, but the same company that owns them.