Mechanic gave me a quote:


Hey all, totaly new here.

I have a year 2000 1.8L Protege and the A/c went out. I live in houston TX where it seems like it's always 100 degrees. The A/c has been out for about 5 months now I just didn't have time to get it fixed. The mechanic I took it to recharged the A/c using the dye to check for leaks.

He says the Condensor and the Evaporator are both leaking coolant, and that I will need to change the Drier and expansion valve also. All in all I'm looking at $942.84.

Condensor $198.00
Evaporator $213.75
Reciever Drier $121.05
Expansion Valve $67.50
Labor $260.00

I don't know a lot about cars, and nothing at all about Air conditioners. Does this sound legit?
"Labor $260.00"

I would never pay soemone else 260 unless they would doing a much bigger job than that.
f*** that

if you've made it 5 months without A/C, wait another 3 and sell it in the winter when the buyer won't notice or care about no A/C