Mazda Meet 5/18/2013 Winking Lizard/Lizardville Copley/Montrose

Starting up a list of attendees/maybe's so I can reserve some tables and whatnot. Let me know if i missed anyone

-Marlon & Lauri
-Evan #1
-Larry, Jen, and Andrew
-Realgib3 (MSF)
-Tim (new guy from hudson)
-Patrick- maybe?
-Thomas and Amber + 3

EDIT: anyone still up for a fun run afterwards? if so, any suggestions for a route? Riverview Rd is torn up right now and covered in gravel, not sure when it'll be done. Also, i'll be meeting Tim in the Streetsboro/hudson area beforehand to cruise down with him since he just moved here from Colorado and has no idea where anything is; if anyone would like to join
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I have 3 6crew members coming (well two and one guys friend) plus my wife is joining us, first time since being preggo. She wants wings so bad.
Linda and I will be there if its early afternoon, I have to work that night. what time are we looking at?
-Marlon & Lauri
-Evan #1
-Larry, Jen, and Andrew
-Realgib3 (MSF)
-Tim (new guy from hudson)
-Patrick- maybe?
-Thomas and Amber + 3
-Marc and Linda (maybe)
-Pmpkin head (maybe)
Love to go but I've got knee surgery on Friday the 17th and will be out of commission for a while!

We are out. Jen has to work.
edit: as of yesterday I have to work too.
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Take me off of the maybe list and put me on the definitely list, see ya at 2:00 pm.
Update: i just got off the phone with them and they wont take any reservations in advance...only frst come first serve, so ill try to get there a bit early saturday and ask for 20-25 seats
I'll bring your money, Fez!!!

And glad you can make it, Marc.

Sho, I can meet you there early too since it's close to my house.
Your call. Honestly, I don't know how busy that place would be at 2pm on a Saturday.