Lost respect for CIVIC drivers

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Rawyzf said:
Glad this cleaned itself up a bit. Let's keep it that way.

Don't go wrecking that yellow MSP, or I will come after you!

If he wrecks his Yellow MSP in 4th gear you won't be able to come after him unless you are a coroner.
Drumfreak said:
If he wrecks his Yellow MSP in 4th gear you won't be able to come after him unless you are a coroner.

How did you know what I did?

Hey, how was the party?
Rawyzf said:
How did you know what I did?

Hey, how was the party?
The party was a little crazy. There were some minors booted out. A giant beer can got stolen. We kicked a really annoying guy out and had someone drive him home later to have him show up in running gear with a water bottle back pack. He lives 3 miles away and ran over drunk. What an idiot. I got his parents on the phone and they came and got him. Beer was gone by 12:30 which sucked ass but I was passed out by quarter to 2 and had my fair share anyways.
Drumfreak said:
The party was a little crazy. There were some minors booted out. A giant beer can got stolen. We kicked a really annoying guy out and had someone drive him home later to have him show up in running gear with a water bottle back pack. He lives 3 miles away and ran over drunk. What an idiot. I got his parents on the phone and they came and got him. Beer was gone by 12:30 which sucked ass but I was passed out by quarter to 2 and had my fair share anyways.

Sweet! The Rock n Roll lifestyle!

How can you afford?
i was going to come but got schedualed to work... you said i could come (i am minor) just wore like a non drinking wrist band... i have fun when ppl are drinking :)
You are an idiot for street racing. I feel no remorse in saying that I will shed no tears if you are injured (or worse) while participating in such an activity.
That's enough of that. Thread closed. This doesn't belong in the MN section, so go have at it else where.

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