Linken Park Concert! Fellow MP3 female

J Goodz

Coming out from the Linken Park concert in Nassau, NY...I see a female pointing at my car then yells out "Whooooo yeah, yeah I have an MP3 in North Carolina!!!" If your on this message board. Holla! That was awesome.

I was at that concert tonite as well...Kickass show man, I loved it all..I was right on the floor infront of the stage..
Parked outside was my blue MP3..

2001 laser blue mica MP3 #478 :D :D :D :D
The show was ******* sweet and cypris hill was a great opener.
Pete lol I'm Joe with the Yellow MP3 around Whitestone/bayside you know. Same pete that works at PowerHouse? I pulled up next to you one day.

Yes its me man...the same guy, ya know my car is always right infront of the gym. So I can see my baby all day long so no harm comes to it :D :D You can never be too carefull. Pete

2001 MP3 laser blue mica #478 :p
Yeah werd, I always try to park my car where I can see it, Ya never know. :eek: You going to put any mods into it? Our car is slow as hell but yet I still push it.

:confused: NC CHICK WHERE ARE YOU?????? :confused:
