Kirsten Dunst's tatas - NSFW

I wish I had more arms, so I could give those titties four thumbs down. hahaha!

She looks confused and bewildered.
peepsalot said:
I wish I had more arms, so I could give those titties four thumbs down. hahaha!

She looks confused and bewildered.
Don't think you'd look much better if you came out of the waves and your shorts were down to your knees, and your little pee-pee is all shrivled up :p
MiaTurbo said:
Don't think you'd look much better if you came out of the waves and your shorts were down to your knees, and your little pee-pee is all shrivled up :p
She could use a good steak or 3 with potatoes. Damn she is all bones.

Still got a decent rack for being so skinny.
meh... better dressed than nude. I know lots of people like that.

What a classless bathing suit, though - I mean, she has millions of $$ in the bank, and all she can find is an unmatched piece of crap? gimme a break.