Just saw The Ring...

I saw the Ring in the big screen, so somehow was scary, but what I feel it lacked was that there wasn't (as far as I remember) a direct relation with the devil or something like it...

I mean, the girl was evil and everything, plus the time deadline coming for the woman, her child and that last twist with the guy, but from experience I can say things get even more scary when something is directly related to Lucifer and all our fears for such unknown entity.

The thing about Signs is different, I believe Signs is one of the best movies if we consider the really scary moments are those when you don't see a damn thing!. You're kind of there in the edge of the seat with all the music progressing to that feared moment when something terrifying is gonna show, but you don't see a god dam thing...! Somebody said once that the most scary things are those that you cannot see...

Mushin25, I dunno man the general consensus is that the American movie is MUCH better. You can't compete with American cinema! I mean it's Dreamworks for gosh sakes- SPEILBERG! The only thing the Japanese do better is Anime. Ironicly enough we pulled a switcher'roo on them this time- this time THEY made something, then we took it and made it BETTER. lol How's that for a change!

Anyway, yeah I thought about that fact...about the posibility of the kid being evil. But like it was mentioned he suffered from the bloody nose...and if you remember the phone DID ring after he watched it too. I dunno........ I think he's gonna croak in the next movie.
Rent the DVD! (Buy a DVD player if necessary.) :D

It has a really cool easter egg (hidden feature). Go to the main menu, and press "6" on your remote (if your remote has numerical buttons). Very cool.
LazerBlueP5 said:
Ok saw the movie and absolutely loved it. It's my #1 horror movie because it has a deep plot. It's not meant to be explained in 1 movie- as you all know it's a remake of a Japanese.......TRILOGY! Hopefully Dreamworks does the rest of them...I think they might because the lead character Naomi Watts, was on the Howard Stern show and she kinda hinted toward them making more.

Ok the things I got from it:

1.Obviously the tape was made by the little girl. Remember how she made those x-ray style pics in the asylum. When a psychologist was asking her how she made them she said, "I dont, I just think them and they become".
Now think of the location of the VCR over the well. It was directly over top of it if you remember.

2.When I saw the movie in the theater there was a guy in front of me who I chatted with for a few minutes after the movie. He was a big fan of the original Japanese trilogy and he cued me in to a few things- enough to keep my interest going and not ruin it.
A. The reason the girl was spared had nothing to do with her making a copy and showing it to someone!
B. The little girl might not be the evil one in the movie. Although I can't think of who else it would be other than the girl from the beginning's friend that went insane. I only say that because she's the same height as the chick that comes out of the TV...and if the little girl isn't the one thats evil.......hmmm
C. Lastly...the body she found in the well wasn't the little girl. Apparently forensic study showed that the body was no more than a few days/weeks old!

Lots of unanswered questions. Thats what makes the movies so damn good. Plus it's grade A in the creepy factor!

These things you mentioned.. are they only apparent if you watch the other 2 movies that came after this one??

I watched the Jap one and the US one.... I thought the US one was way too straight forward.... like everything was drawn out on the wall.... the Jap one had a lot more kinda vague things so that you would only understand the whole movie after it finished..... I think it is just my criticizm of US movies... they make everything so clear that the viewer doesn't need to use his/her imagination.

I think the Jap one was more scary/shocking, it had scarier tape effects and the little girl was scarier too and because there would be climaxes in the movie.... the US one was kinda moderate scary thoughout.... so it seemed kinda like mono... no peaks. but in general I think the US one is a better film overall
Grimace said:
Rent the DVD! (Buy a DVD player if necessary.) :D

It has a really cool easter egg (hidden feature). Go to the main menu, and press "6" on your remote (if your remote has numerical buttons). Very cool.

DAmnit I just let my step-sister borrow it tonight so I dont get to see what happens
They should have made the phone sound effect more "modern" sounding- it sound like an old rotary phone ring. lol ...that way they could actually trick people into thinking their phone really WAS ringing after the easter-egg video.
is pressing 6 the same as pressing up an play on the menu screen? -=) check it outtttttttttttttt..

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