In need of stabilizer bar bushing assistance.


2001 mazda protege mp3
here's the deal, both my front and rear suspension "clunk" when i go over bumps at medium speed. i'm positive that it's the stabilizer bar in the rear and almost positive that it's the same in the front. i can't seem to find the anti-clunk kit that was so popular a year after this car came out and replacement bushings seem sketchy at best. just looking for some guidance as to which way to go from here. replace all 4 bushings? what brand is best on this application? can i find an anti-clunk kit somewhere? anyone have some off the wall idea that actually worked? any assistance will be appreciated. (p.s. it is a 2001 mazda mp3, just to clarify)
Use energy suspension bushings 19mm rear 25mm front iirc. Also replace the end links as its probly the cause of the clunk. Be prepared for a fight on the front bushings though