**I'm Driving to Cali**


01 Sunlight Silver ES
**Driving to Cali from NC**

Yeap. I'm driving to San Diego, Ca because I'm going to Recruiters School. I had the option to fly but, I wanted to drive so I can see the scenery. I have to report on July 5th by 4:00pm. It's about 2701 miles from here. I'm leaving today. So if I don't reply, it's because I'm on the road. (drive) I'm taking I-40 all the way across. I might see some of you guys on the way. You might see me. Well, if you're on I-40 that is. If any of you are in San Diego, look me up. I'll be there until August 26th. YEA!! I get promoted to Staff Seargent on July 1st.:D
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