HoLY s***!!! I have electricity!!!!


red 02 p5
I know this may seem weird or late to some BUT ......
as of 10pm tonight we finally have our electricity back after 9 f'n days!!!!!!!!!! damn that b**** ISABEL!!!!!!!!
hope everyone made it through the storm ok :)
i am very fortunate even though i had a tree go thru my garage with my p5 in it ...............:eek:
but she is ok and so are we !!!!!!!
sorry guys i am just very excited so glad to be back :)
Whew, I feel ya. I've been w/o power for that long and you litterally feel like you went back in time to the dark ages. No hotshowers, limited hot food, people fighting for fuel and not obeying traffic laws. It's not fun and it's always sooooooo nice when it comes back. Welcome back to this century cave man!

Im glad to hear your doing well and in good spirits. Its a good thing you have an MP5 not an MP3 or a MSP. If there had been an MP3 or MSP in your garage it would have been totaled.
A hell of a lot of them are getting totaled recently, so count your lucky stars! j/k
My parents in Richmond, VA (Henrico) were without power for 7days, 1hr, and 45minutes. They were without water pressure until Sunday and finally were off the boil alert Wednesday morning.

That was a crazy storm.
Wow if my power was out that long there would have been a lot of................(hump) :D :D

Glad to have ya back.
Well.. in quebec, there was an icestorm around 5 years ago. No electricity for me for aroudn 2 weeks? And it was like freaking -30 degrees Celsius outside (and inside).
Yeah I remember that. I went to a friend's house who had electricity. I still have pics from that winter. The whole landscape was covered with 1-2cm of ice. It was really something to see. In some way it was really impressive... an amazing sight.
MotegiMazdA said:
Wow if my power was out that long there would have been a lot of................(hump) :D :D

Well, see, that could certainly be an advantage, lol