Has anyone painted the Metra kit?


2001 Miata, 2011 Mazda 2
I have two Metra 99-7504 kits found here: http://www.metraonline.com/products.aspx?s=99-7504.

I am going to be installing a Pioneer head unit soon with one of the kits. For the other kit, I'd like to try to get it as close to matching the piano black trim in the Speed3 as possible. I'm thinking I'll sand it down and hit it with many coats of high-gloss black Krylon spray paint. I might follow that up with some clear coat as well.

Has anyone attempted this with any success? I don't mind hosing a kit on an experiment, and I have all the time in the world as the first kit will be in use while I work on the second kit.