gf left me ='(

Replica said:
Haha, my ex called me the other day when I was getting my car dynoed the other day. She tried to be all friendly with me. She suggested that I go to her and her new boyfriend's place and drink. She said something about me needing to "get laid" I told her, "uh, getting laid the first time cause me enough problems, no thanks." She got mad, accused me of throwing things back in her face and hung up.

I hope that's the last I ever hear from that ******* slut.
holy s*** Rep: go to her new BF's house and then mention getting laid!? Is the new one into 3somes or some s***?? Damn boy. lol. great comeback
saw this on a wrx board, its one way to look at it. probably wont help, but maybe will get a laugh

now that ur single..reduction in weight, and more money for mods
seriously i know that s*** sucks but move on. Wasnt meant to be it wasnt no big bro. ive been there and ive lost em yea s*** sucks just wrtei about adn move on. Dotn forget but dont let it bother you fate has left you with a lesson now learn from it move on to the next one.
Hey man, I know it's hard, but don't fight to get her back. If she wanted out enough to leave you, just leave it be and move on. You'll find another, just spend some time with your friends to get your spirits back.
Man...Sodatron...we still love you! :D

It'll all be cool, man...just like the Fonze...believe me. It's hard, and it takes a lot of time, but things will be ok. Look at it this way, was only 15 months. I was with my ex for 4 1/2 years and I've known her for almost 8 years total. She's still my best friend, and the only person that understands me all the time. If you couldn't tell...I'm still not over her. I may never be...sounds bad, right? That's life, though...learning to cope with this stuff, and allowing yourself to grow from your circumstances makes you stronger. You'll be a better person for making it through, I promise you that much.
Vulcanon said:
well...guess its time to change my avatar ='(
Yeah and might as well post all those nudie pics of her. (pics) (spank)

G/fs are too expensive, you have your car to think about. (crazy) ;)
I can be completely broke and be fine with that. I just dont go out. When you have a GF they're all like "lets go, here lets go there, i'm hungry, i want an iced coffee" And your all like "s*** I aint got no money honey" and then their like "Oh" and you feel like an asshole.
Dude hang in there, it took me forever to get over my ex....I made the mistake of staying friends with her. I have no advice however, just know that there lots of people here who can relate with what you're going through.
man. that sucks.. i dont kno what id do.. actually yeah i do.. my last 2 relation ships were both about 4 years.. well the one im in now and the one before.. the first chick was from texas.. and we had "differences".. like.. i caught her with some guy and beat him in the street with a baseball bat.. or.. i caught some guy trying to sneak out her dorm room window.. where i was forced to pepperspray his ass and pummel his face. and after all this.. she tried to sleep with my best friend.. so she got the boot.. got hooked on crystal meth.. and has a kid and is on welfare. -=) no loss for me.. then something better came along.. im much happier.. i dont have to worry about my girl whoring around.. and i have yet to beat anyone with a blunt object because of her.
moral of the story.
if u really want to cut it.. try to only remember the bad s***. it will push her away farther and u will know what to look out for in the next one..
or if u want to sit and wallow.. keep everything she gave you.. and dont wash your pillow cus it smells like her. -=\
whatever you do. dont go into it thinking it is your fault.. that is unless u were gettin mad poontang on the side.. or beating her ass... aside from stuff like that.. everything can be fixed.. its just someone wanting to take the easy way out.
ps.. booze doesnt make u feel better. just makes u pass out sooner -=P
lol interesting story mypfizzle...but see thats the thing....there were little things but nothing major and I'm super loyal...and now she won't even talk to me so I don't even have any closure
bro. u dont need closure then.. she used the little things to get out because she wasnt grown up to end it any other way.. its pretty chicken s*** but it happens. i had a girl break up with me becuase i smoked WEED when i WASNT with her.. lame ass excuse.. that is a woman that does not have a way to address a situation.. so she uses anything she can to bail
youll get over it man.. you seem like a nice guy.. bad ass turbo car.. good personality.. u can do better... take some time to think.. then treat her just like she treats u.. she wont talk to you dont bother.. when she bails out of her next relationship the same way for some bulls*** reason and tries to come crawling back.. dont..
trust me.. im old.. wise old protege foggie. -=P
im hungry.

sucks Vulcanon. ill always remember how you wore soda boxes. what this has to do with the topic at hand, i dont know. blame the hunger.
I had to end a 6 yr relationship with my high school sweetheart. I was a friggen mess...i would '007' her with my friends, I would get wasted whever we hit the clubs ( i rarely drink)...then I started dating this girl I knew for a while and she is super hot and smart to.....the kind that seem out of your league...anyways, it gets better. Just look confident whereevr you go and talk about it with some female friends......they know best!! good luck