Gaaa I can't hold it in anymore!!!Its almost ready

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AWD...say Bye Bye
Titanium MS6
We wont have it on the dyno till Monday, but after yesterday and today's performance runs I'm too excited to keep it under wraps anymore. We just finished up the tuning for our new Air/Fuel controller. After hearing about the non-compatability of the SAFCs and the demand for an inexpensive unit, we set out build something that would make jaws drop...Well I think we may have just done it...Working with a group out of CA(we'll reveal when we post up dyno results and are in production) we have designed a unit that allows for complete air/fuel control for the MSP. Initial tuning has allowed for the birth of a completely different car...a/f map is as smooth as a babies butt, and the power just keeps right on pulling up to redline...I'll go into more detail when we have finished dyno results and specs, but instead of using knobs and switches, we've made the unit completely interfaceable with the computer. That means you plug it in load the software and edit your own settings, perfect for those of you who want to be able to change things up between runs. RIght now we're toying with building in an fcd, and raising the boost a little. You can expect dyno results and final specs sometime next week and available for orders in about 2 weeks. I should also give a special thanks to our guinea pig, um I mean volunteer, EvilMSP for so graciously letting us beat the hell, err push the limits, of his msp....
awesome, always nice to see more products. I'm guessing this doesn't control timing, so flashed/nonflashed cars will need different tuning, right?

will there be any way to incorporate timing into the equation for those that would like that option?

with an integrated fcd, what kind of price are we looking at? ... gotta call the bank ...

OOOOH and ya wouldnt tell me much on the phone last nite...(dunno) I see how it is.

Just bustin on ya John. I respect the secrecy of what your doing and Ill tell ya what, you keep building quality parts for the MSP and at reasonable costs...keep all the secrets ya want! Just make some stuff! (naughty)
Damn! Now you have my interest. Subscribing so that I can get all of the gory details!

So this is what you wanted me to hold off for.....

How about a ballpark price john???
since this works for the msp it should work for the regular protege's also right? Controlling afr's isn't turbo specific iz it?
I wouldn't expect you to have an exact price, but how will it stack up to the others price wise. I'm currently scouting an mpi tuner. I know you get what you pay for, but you(DSM) seem hell bent on value as well. Which is good ofcourse.
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