I bought the Corksport SRI about 2 months ago. First, I would
not recommend it. It does makes my car sound like it has a beast engine, and gives that popping when shifting at high rpm's. You waste gas to hear this and it doesn't really seem to be adding anything noticable. It also reduced my mpgs to about 24 max (w/ cruise control), now i average about 20mpg, when before I was at about 24mpg. I am most likely going to get rid of it soon, all it really encourages me to do is rev high wasting gas for no power gain. On a side note I was looking into the stock intake today; in the front of the grill it appears to actually have some kind of turbine but I'm not sure if it's for the intake, or if it's powered etc.. I'm curious if that turbine is powered and pulling air into the intake.. probably better than just open airflow into the engine bay (I'm no engineer).