Cruise Control Radar Deactivation (2024 CX-5)


2024 CX5 Signature
Hello. Wonder if someone can help out. I have a 2024 signature that I just bought, and coming from a long line of Hyundai vehicles, there are marked differences in the way certain things operate. One being the cruise. I prefer the “old school” way of cruise control. On the Hyundais, it was very easy and straightforward on deactivation of the radar. Hold down the distance button and it’s a done deal. On this model I can’t figure it out. I came upon this thread 2017~2024 - MRCC vs. "Cruise Control" - Two Different Things?
Where someone had a similar issue. However, in one of his posts, the OP noted that he held down the mode (MRCC) button and the little car went away showing just the standard cruise icon. On mine, I can hold in down all day and nothing changes. I have the setup shown in the attachment here, and the mode button is the red lower outer button. I can turn on and off the cruise but nothing more. Now if I choose the lower inner button, the little steering wheel goes on and off. So I’m kind of confused here. I want the lane keeping assist in, but want old school cruise, can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong here to accomplish this? Please be easy on me, this is my first Mazda. Thanx in advance!
I think all you have to do is press the cruise button twice. I believe it's the "ON" button but check the manual to be sure. I have two CX-5's, one with radar cruise and one with regular cruise.
I prefer the radar cruise by a long shot.
I think all you have to do is press the cruise button twice. I believe it's the "ON" button but check the manual to be sure. I have two CX-5's, one with radar cruise and one with regular cruise.
I prefer the radar cruise by a long shot.
My setup is exactly what’s shown on the picture, so I’m assuming the “on” button you’re referring to is the MRCC button?
If I’m following someone on a long trip or whatnot, the radar cruise is great, as you won’t be yo-yo-ing back and forth, but I hate the braking and slowing because I don’t realise how close I’m getting to the car in front of me, I just like to leisurely signal and go around without fuss, maintaining my speed, hence my preference for the “old school” type of CC.
Probably. On my 19 I believe it says "ON" and "OFF", wife has car now so I can't check.
On the "upper" "inner" switch that appears to be the following distance setting, the center is labeled "CANCEL" ... Perhaps that cancels the radar mode of the cruise ?

You could try a long press in the center of the switch (not rocking it near or far on the setting but press straight in)
I tried that as well with no effect. Seems to me It shouldn't be this hard for me to figure out!!
Well, I figured it out. Unlike the other poster in the link provided earlier, who just had to hold his "mode" switch and it would deactivate, now, you have to go and use the big wheel to go to Settings* then Driver Assistance System*, then Mazda Radar Cruise Control*, and uncheck the box. You will then be in "old school" system. Now to me, that is a big fail on Mazda's part. Now I have to take my eyes off the road to look at a screen, going through 3 menus just to turn it off, unless I remember right before I leave on a trip, when before, it was one simple long press of a button I could feel my way around. And of course, it needs to be redone every time I restart. A bit miffed on this. Oh well, I guess I'll get used to it! Thank you to all who replied.
Well, I figured it out. Unlike the other poster in the link provided earlier, who just had to hold his "mode" switch and it would deactivate, now, you have to go and use the big wheel to go to Settings* then Driver Assistance System*, then Mazda Radar Cruise Control*, and uncheck the box. You will then be in "old school" system. Now to me, that is a big fail on Mazda's part. Now I have to take my eyes off the road to look at a screen, going through 3 menus just to turn it off, unless I remember right before I leave on a trip, when before, it was one simple long press of a button I could feel my way around. And of course, it needs to be redone every time I restart. A bit miffed on this. Oh well, I guess I'll get used to it! Thank you to all who replied.
If you're going to deactivate it you better do it before you start rolling. A lot of the functions in the Infotainment are disabled once the car starts moving. For safety. Don't know if this one is or not.

Kinda weird that you would have to go to a Settings screen instead of just pressing a button on the steering column. That's technology - one step forward, two steps back.
If you're going to deactivate it you better do it before you start rolling. A lot of the functions in the Infotainment are disabled once the car starts moving. For safety. Don't know if this one is or not.

Kinda weird that you would have to go to a Settings screen instead of just pressing a button on the steering column. That's technology - one step forward, two steps back.
Yes, it borders on being unsafe having to go through the hoops instead of a quick button push.. Never was an adaptive cruise fan, especially the horror stories I hear about being in a left lane, passing a large vehicle, and suddenly braking because it thinks I'm too close. I just wanted it easy like my prior vehicle.
Well, I figured it out. Unlike the other poster in the link provided earlier, who just had to hold his "mode" switch and it would deactivate, now, you have to go and use the big wheel to go to Settings* then Driver Assistance System*, then Mazda Radar Cruise Control*, and uncheck the box. You will then be in "old school" system. Now to me, that is a big fail on Mazda's part. Now I have to take my eyes off the road to look at a screen, going through 3 menus just to turn it off, unless I remember right before I leave on a trip, when before, it was one simple long press of a button I could feel my way around. And of course, it needs to be redone every time I restart. A bit miffed on this. Oh well, I guess I'll get used to it! Thank you to all who replied.
if you prefer the 'old school' cruise control like you said, why would you be switching the two types?
if you prefer the 'old school' cruise control like you said, why would you be switching the two types?
what do you mean, by switching the two types? In the older system, you could press "mode" and it would turn off. The newer one, as I have doesn't have a mode switch on the steering wheel, you have to go through the menu.
what do you mean, by switching the two types? In the older system, you could press "mode" and it would turn off. The newer one, as I have doesn't have a mode switch on the steering wheel, you have to go through the menu.
because once you deactivate radar cruise control in the menu it stays off. you don't need to redo it every time
Whenever I have a situation that I think the radar cruise will not handle to my liking I just turn it off. One button push. When things clear I hit resume.
Does that occur before or after your 5 just brakechecked the car behind you on the interstate because it thought the semi you were passing was too close? That scared the crap outta me when it first happened.
Does that occur before or after your 5 just brakechecked the car behind you on the interstate because it thought the semi you were passing was too close? That scared the crap outta me when it first happened.

If you're on the gas, the emergency braking system takes a back seat. If you're maintaining speed and the system thinks you're coming too close, it'll intervene.

You have to remember that these systems aren't smart enough to account for how comfortable each individual driver is with their vehicle in close proximity to another one. Getting over earlier rather than later is the simplest way to avoid the issue you're describing.

In any event, let's circle back to the main topic, which is how to disable MRCC/enable traditional cruise control. Hopefully there's an easier way to trigger the change instead of clicking through menus. Until someone chimes in with another solution, it might be a good idea to also reach out to your salesperson to see if they know, and maybe even send an inquiry to Mazda Corporate?
If you go to this link, you can download a PDF of the 2024 owner’s manual.

If you open the PDF of the owner’s manual, you can search for “switching to cruise control function”.
(“cruise control function” is the term for “basic” cruise control, as opposed to MRCC for the radar mode)

If you have “Steering Wheel Type B” (which the original poster says they have), there you will find the only way to to switch to “Cruise control function” is to use the Mazda Connect switch.

I don’t switch back and forth between MRCC and “Cruise control” often but this seems like a design weakness, compared to “Steering Wheel Type A” where you simply press and hold the Mode switch (which is the way my 2021 and 2022 both work).

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