Click / Clunk / Knock sounds 2018 CX-5 AWD

Hello All. I am new to this forum. I have been going through the forum and seeing lot of people getting their queries/ doubts answered. I was wondering if I could get some help/ opinions on a problem with my brand new CX 5. I bought a 2018 CX 5 GT with AWD just a month back. When I test drove, I drove it on the highway and it was perfect. Absolutely no issues and I sealed the deal on the car. The next day, when I took my car to the office, I noticed an issue. I park on the 5th floor in a parking structure. So I need to take multiple sharp turns while going up or down. I started hearing some click/ clunk sounds on those sharp turns. Over the course of the next week, I kept on hearing these noises in my parking structure as well on bumps and sharp turns. I took my car to the dealership and after inspection they said everything was normal. They said, since it was new the suspension just needs time to settle in. But, I was still hearing these faint but noticeable sounds. So I took it again to the dealership and this time they said they will replace the sway bar bushings and see if that makes the difference. They handed the car back saying that they could no longer hear the noises after the change but unfortunately I keep hearing the noises again and again. On the highways and regular roads I don't hear it at all. But on inclines/ declines and sharp turns is when I hear it. I have attached a video of me going down my parking structure. The sounds are very clear at 40 s, 2:40, 2:50 , 3:50 min.

Please let me know what is causing this noise and what the possible remedy could be. Thank you very much.

Hi there, There are some of us on the Mazda6 forum that are dealing with this on the new Mazda6.

Can you possibly re-post your video? I am so curious if the noise is the same.

Thank you,
Hi All. It has been a long time since I posted on the forum again. I wanted to give a quick update on my car. After multiple visits to various dealerships, we were finally able to find and solve the problem behind the knocking/clunk noise. A technician from Mazda corporate came in and had a thorough look. It was found that a bushing was missing from the front right side suspension setup. They just had to put a new bushing and the knocking sound has completely gone away. According to my dealer, a specific batch of cars left the Mazda factory without these bushings. Hope this helps. Thanks once again to
@sskali Hi friend, could you give more details about which bushing they installed and appreciate if u provide picture of the same and how it drive after years? I am facing exactly what u had. Metal sound when turning inside my basement parking.
Sadly you're not alone. My 2017 CX-5 has done this ever since I got it last May. It only make the noise when going over bumps or driveways when the tires are turned. It's annoying, and I'll take it in the to shop eventually. They'll most likely grease or replace the bushings. I used to complain about this same stupid issue with my old Mazda 5.
please check LCA Bushing Small and larger sides it is a very common problems for these cars. They tends to crack overtime
Have you guys check you Lower control arms ?? These 2 parts tends to fail at even low milage. Very common to our cars.
please check LCA Bushing Small and larger sides it is a very common problems for these cars. They tends to crack overtime
hi bro can we change the lower arm bushing itself in 2018 cx5 or we need to replace the arm and bushing together???mazda garrage told me it cannot be done bushing alone ,all need to be replaced,the whole arm unit.It seem s to be expensive.pls someone advice me.thanks
hi bro can we change the lower arm bushing itself in 2018 cx5 or we need to replace the arm and bushing together???mazda garrage told me it cannot be done bushing alone ,all need to be replaced,the whole arm unit.It seem s to be expensive.pls someone advice me.thanks
ofcourse you can , but you got to have hydraulic press so the job will be alot easier. The easiet way is to replace whole. but you will find it much value and fun if you can replace each of the worn out bushing it self . 😀
ofcourse you can , but you got to have hydraulic press so the job will be alot easier. The easiet way is to replace whole. but you will find it much value and fun if you can replace each of the worn out bushing it self . 😀
😄thank u felixd.....

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