Broken battery terminal bolt, now lost! 2020 CX-5

So, while trying to diagnose some battery issues on my 2020 CX-5 GT, the battery terminal bolt broke during re-torquing. Unfortunately, the threaded end with the nut on it is now missing. The top part fell onto the ground below the car, but I cannot find the long threaded portion with the nut attached.

Of course, now I'm scared to operate the car in case the bolt has found its way into something critical. I spent nearly an hour with a flashlight looking from all possible angles to locate the bolt, but I cannot for the life of me find it.... Of course I'd love for it to be simply sitting on one of the protective panels at the bottom of the car, ready to fall to the ground once the car is in motion, but I cannot know for sure...

Any advice on what to from here? I guess the safest bet would be to get it towed to a mechanic ?
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I wouldn't worry about it too much. What could it fall into that would cause damage?
Well, thats why I'm here!

I dont know what it could have fallen into. I'm not particularly vehicle savvy, really only familiar with basic maintenance stuff. This vehicle is new to us so i'm not familiar with the engine bay and various components underneath the battery area, or whether there is cause for concern or not.
Again, I wouldn't worry about it. There are no open holes in the engine it could fall into. It's probably in some nook somewhere, or on the undertray, and will either bounce out on the road or get stuck there for ever.

I assume you've replaced it?
Again, I wouldn't worry about it. There are no open holes in the engine it could fall into. It's probably in some nook somewhere, or on the undertray, and will either bounce out on the road or get stuck there for ever.

I assume you've replaced it?
Okay, thank you. I wasnt sure if maybe it could have gotten wedged somewhere near the axle, power steering, maybe the components that transfer power to the rear wheels for AWD, or the flux capacitor for all i know.... lol. I guess, hopefully, its fine?!

And yes the bolt itself has been replaced and now the negative terminal clamp is nice and tight. Now i get to continue trying to sort out why my battery voltage keeps dropping.... seperate thread time maybe?
`More than likely it's sitting on the underbody cowl. I dropped a small flashlight down there once, it just sat on the plastic cover, didn't even roll around. When I had it in for service they removed and returned it.
I mean, I wouldn't want it sitting on an exhaust manifold because it could melt onto it. But this should be easy enough to locate if you remove the plastic panel under the engine. You could also just bang on that cover and see if you hear an object jumping around.
I mean, I wouldn't want it sitting on an exhaust manifold because it could melt onto it. But this should be easy enough to locate if you remove the plastic panel under the engine. You could also just bang on that cover and see if you hear an object jumping around.
I think/hope the exhaust manifold is far enough away, but i guess I dont know for sure. I did bang on the plastic panel in the area underneath the steering wheel kind of, and couldnt hear anything, but i guess thats not too definitive...