Break booster question


MazdaSpeed Protege
Hey guys,

Normally I traverse the MSP forums, but I have a question that is not directly related to Mazda. It is about my Jetta. I tried going to the VW forums but noone ever seems to say very much.

I just bought a Jetta dirt cheap with some probs. I managed to fix most of them (mostly sensor issues) but I think I have a vac leak in the brake booster. I don't feel like replacing it unless Ihave to since it looks pretty difficult.

Is it possible to just disconnect the brake booster line and cap it off? If I do this, what symptoms would I expect?

Thanks for any assistance anyone may have!
I think you could do it if you want, you would just have a very hard time pushing your brakes as far as I know. You are only doing this temporarily as a test, right?

peepsalot said:
I think you could do it if you want, you would just have a very hard time pushing your brakes as far as I know. You are only doing this temporarily as a test, right?

The brake booster just looks like such a PITA!!! I am looking at disconnecting it period!
I just think it could be dangerous. Give it a try if you really want, and see how hard it is to brake. Try testing it out at low speeds away from traffic, on flat ground. If you decide that you can handle braking like that, then leave it that way I guess. I have no idea what a Jetta would be like with no brake booster, but I bet your leg will get a good workout.
just saw this; i'd highly recommend you not mess with anything that will potentionally save your life.