
my hks ssqv works fine. Sounds nice except for the gobble.
only got stalling problems if i rev high and drop to neutral
Aaron said:
oh lets see , does this belong in the forced induction section??

i would say it stays, because it has to do with only MSP's. not turbo protege's.
thanks for your opinion aaron... anyways, how often does urs stall mike? only when u drop it inj neutral ?
funny , I think Aron is right , the topic says BOV .... hmmm that's a forced induction topic tittle .....
BOV on my mazdaspeed PROTEGE would be different .....
What is up with all this which forum talk?

He has a MSP and wants to know about bov's. He doesn't need to hear from everyone with a turbo charged protege. After market turbo kits don't recirculate.

Ya know what, never mind...I haven't been here that long so what do I know.

Aaron said:
I agree but not according to ,RAZOR

I agree, watch out here comes King Gazor to rain on your parade. Remember you made the mistake of buying a better Protege than him so you MUST BE PUNISHED FOR YOU SIN!
i have a hks bov and i have stalling problems i'm going to run a 3/4 hose from bov to the intake tube to see if the stalling goes away. i will let all of yall know how this works
I don't understand what's so bad about the stock bypass valve that everyone feels the need to change it. And for something like that, you shouldn't have to learn to "drive around it". That's ridiculous.

But to each their own I suppose.