Best AllSeason Tires?


'02 P5
Hey all...whats happening.
I have an '02 P5 and I am in the market for some new tires before winter....right now I have the stock Conti Sports on it and they are wearing out quickly. Besides, they suck in the snow/ice. I live in Connecticut, so I will need to get something good in the snow but I dont want some nappy azz tire that looks funky either. Any suggestions? Ideally I would be able to get dedicated winter tires for my rims now, and upgrade to 17/18's with new tires in the summer but that is some serious change.
Thanks for the help.

Move south, and then Summer-only tires are all-season. it's great. sorry that probably didn't help, but i've never figured out why people ever settled in places with nasty weather. At least you have a better chance of a white Christmas than Dallas
seriously, NO allseason tire is truely good in the snow... just get a cheap winter set and a nice summer set... you'll be much better off

ejdesign said:
Hey all...whats happening.
I have an '02 P5 and I am in the market for some new tires before winter....right now I have the stock Conti Sports on it and they are wearing out quickly. Besides, they suck in the snow/ice. I live in Connecticut, so I will need to get something good in the snow but I dont want some nappy azz tire that looks funky either. Any suggestions? Ideally I would be able to get dedicated winter tires for my rims now, and upgrade to 17/18's with new tires in the summer but that is some serious change.
Thanks for the help.

The best all around all season tire is the pirelli zero far!!!!!!! up 1 size to 205/16/50.........2 sets are better.....but nothing comes close for 1 set of all seasons.......
solid_snake2x said:
Check out the handling rating in the surveys and in TR's tests -- people have complained about it not having a very direct feel while cornering. Also note that all-seasons are always recommended only for light snow. Buy some hurts now, but pays off in the long haul. You should get two to three seasons out of the tires before replacing them, and you summer tires will last longer.

My stock 16's are in the garage awaiting new rubber in the spring, while I spend the winter on 15's off a `93 929 with Pirelli snows. I plan on putting Nero Zero M+S's on the stocks in the spring unless something better comes out in the stock size.

For what it's worth, I had a set of Kumhos on a previous car and they were very good tires, but nothing to write home about. Basically, you're getting what you pay for -- at least in my opinion.
solid_snake2x said:

Give it 10,000 miles or so. I bought these back in June and have put about 10k on them. They are good in the rain and a decent fair weather performer. Horrible in snow; however, I don't care as I run Blizzaks in the winter. What I think it bad about them is that they are LOUD. When I first bought them, they were quiet. They've become progressively louder. I've had my alignment checked several times to be sure it wasn't off and causing the tires to wear funny. Nothing----perfect alignment and the tires are wearing fine.

If the noise doesn't bother you, they are a great tire for the money---that's for sure.

I haven't had any time with my new falkens in the snow but the wet weahter traction worries me a bit. Oh well, the way i go through tires I'll need a new set again next year (I wore the dunops out at 20k!!!) Anyway getting snow tires makes sense, however, most of the time (even in MN!!) your not runnig your car in teh snow. Somehow I can't justify getting snow tires because of this. I know they work really great in snow but in normal driving conditions can really suck. I'd just use all seasons and slow down in bad weather. The only time I would justify getting winter tires would be if I lived in an area that got lots and lots of snow (aka Denver, Duluth) or was rural and the plowing really sucked.

I just got a set of Pirelli 210 SnowSports (195/50-16), and although it's a far cry from snowing up here in Vancouver right now... they've been great!

I put them on my stock 16s, and will be (hopefully, if anyone will sell me theirs) getting a set of MSP 17s for the summer. The stock Dunlops are now sitting in my garage. I agree with most of the responses here that a true winter set-up is the way to go, but you are right, it can be expensive.

Anyhow, just someone else's $0.02 :D .

Proxes 4, or snows

I'd have to second the vote for Proxes 4. Got mine for $87 each including mount and balance. Best all season I've ever had. But if you get a decent amount of snow and ice you are better off getting dedicated snow's and paying for mounting spring and fall.


UPDATE 1-6-05 Snow review - After driving yesterday and today in the this Chicago snow storm I'd say the Proxes 4's are average in snow and slippery conditions. Secondary roads aren't very clean yet this morning so changing lanes was risky- got myself stuck behind a Scion and a SUV whereas I would have been going about 10mph faster. Once at cruising speed they seem fine and aren't skittish, but starting out from a stop is a bear. And even worse if you're trying to get moving on an incline, or the tires become unweighted due to high snow and extra drag built up under the car. Carry some sand or kitty litter with you just in case. I have an auto so starting out in 2nd gear helps. I still love the tires though for their excellent warm months traction, since my area only has this snow problem 2-3 times a winter. I don't have ABS but stopping was average also. Give yourself extra room until you get a feel for it but they slowed down well just by putting some drag on the rotors. If I lived farther north or had to deal with lake-effect snow falls I would definately get dedicated winter tires (or a Subaru!), or an all season tire that is more biased towards winter months. But then you lose the summer grip. I may switch to Toyo T1-S and snows on steelies after these wear out, if I can afford it. The Proxes 4 are way better than the RE92 but I haven't tried any other high perf. all seasons so I can't compare with other tires that are popular on this forum.
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I have a Proxes 4 but I use dedicated winter tires. I tried them in the snow last fall and they were so so (not bad at all in slush though). Our winter weather is so brutal (Canada)...