AWR motormounts

The Mazda dealer charged me $100.00 to put them in. I was going to do it but for $100.00 CDN I said like WTF!!
xelderx said:
I got my mounts from Girth. The front insert was red and the rear was black. I'm not sure which is which. To get to the lower nut on the harness I used a 1/4" drive ratchet witha 1' extension and a swivel/10mm socket combined. It took a minute to get it lined up on the nut, but I finally got it. The next biggest problem was the 3 nuts holding the mount to the frame. Those things were torqued much farther than my impact wrench would loosen. I ended up with a breaker bar and a 4 foot pole to break them loose.
I felt XelderX's shaking shadow yesterday. I have to tell ya, that s*** felt AMAZING! Now that b**** has got me thinking of getting some also. I tell ya Justin, your costing me more and more cash on upgrades to my ride everyday,LOL!!(drunk)
I love my motor mounts and won't go back. I might switch the rear mount out for the automatic insert to alleviate a little bit of the shaking at idle. But otherwise totally satisfied. Give your mounts a couple of weeks to work themselves in and things will calm down a little bit.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr !

These Dog Damn stock mounts suck...! I guess I will be getting the 88 durometer's and not the 95, I had about 16,500 mi. on mine when I jump of the line and the wheel hope thro's my stick out of first @ I guess about the time my rear mount breaks. Oh well, has any one tried the OE bushings that AWR has, are they better or just as bad ????

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OK just bought the 88 durometer front an back mounts plus one set of each 95 and the 70 durometer. I guess I'll find out which one is best. (upyours) j/k . I hope they will be there when I get back to the house.
Wow, this is an OOOLD thread. There are tons of recent threads discussing the various durometers.