Are you a fast typer?


Thats s*** gets so hard..I got so nervous towards the end when they all start flying...
I only got 300 last time I tried it, although I can type 100 wpm

I just get all confuzerd (boom02)
OK. I'm a dork with no life.

16917, and I made today's top scores.

I could have gone further, but seriously, it was starting to get boring.

here's a screen capture...placed #7 ("GerardPRO5 kicks ass"):

HTF did those people get those crazy ass scores???? I mean... I thought I did good with my 412 (started to get hard to concentrate after like 10 minutes) not so sure this thing isn't more of a "how long can you hold your concentration for" as it is "how fast can you type" all in all though... cool site
4033 ... is that good or bad? i don't see myself on the top list... so i guess that's bad!
132... :wtf: ... I can type soo damn fast.. thats all i do all day is type on the computer..... that s*** got confusing at the end... to fast for me... lol