Applying for new position as Network Analyst.


2001 Mazda MP3
Damn life is busy lately. I am trying to find time to do everything, but there just ain't enough hours in the day! With everything going on, now I have to cram for an interview. Anyone here on the forum have thier CCNA? If so, could what help could you provide? I will also need to look over some behavial interview questions as well. I'm not worried about that cuase that's mostly common sense.
Priority is the key.

If you wanted your CCNA certification, you should have been studying for it instead of working on your car or install LCD screens.

Anyone as smart as you should do well with a few hours of studying, you have already studied it and just need some time to look over it.

Also, have you thought maybe you are a pawn in Tony's plan? He has to interview a certain number of applicants to hire somebody he already has in mind?
It is not up to him who gets hired ultimately. It is upto his manager Mario, and on up. Besides, i think that I have a real good chance.
hey ASIANSLOPPIE....when are u gonna stop tryin to put this kid down....why dont u just let him do his own thang????just cause ya being miserable dont try and take everyone down wit u cause u gonna cause a whole lot more problems then u ever even imagined....just a lil info for ya!!!:D...hey LinuxRacr...u are in th netowrking field of computers??/...what school u went to??...i am tryin to get into that s***.....any info u can give me i am planning on goin to the DEVRY institute to get a degree and start workin....any pointers??
Hey Yankee,
Don't go to DEVRY unless you get a bachelors. People in the tech field s*** on those who go to tech institutes.

Compare the cost of Devry for 4 years =$30,000 to the cost of a public univ. =$20,000 unless you have that money, you will have to borrow it and pay it back with interest, with interest accruing every day, it gets damn expensive.

Also when you are thinking about going to a 4year univ, think about all the time and effort you will devote to your classes.

Devry would be hands on, a 4 year univ would more be book work, lots and lots of it plus some labs.

Good luck with the interview, The best advice I can give is to be yourself...If you don't know the answer to a question, tell them. Honesty is best. I am working as an analyst and have not completed my degree yet. I explained that I did not know everything they are asking but as long as you show a willingness to learn, that seems to be what people are looking for. Try to be as relaxed as you can and talk to them.

Good Luck and remember...Life is too short, do what makes you happiest.
good luck with your interview. ccna is good for you network buffs. also, hook a broda' up wif a job! uhm yeah.
NYCZMP3 said:
hey ASIANSLOPPIE....when are u gonna stop tryin to put this kid down....why dont u just let him do his own thang????just cause ya being miserable dont try and take everyone down wit u cause u gonna cause a whole lot more problems then u ever even imagined....just a lil info for ya!!!:D...hey LinuxRacr...u are in th netowrking field of computers??/...what school u went to??...i am tryin to get into that s***.....any info u can give me i am planning on goin to the DEVRY institute to get a degree and start workin....any pointers??

I am an graduate of ITT Tech (E.E.T.). I don't really use my degree at all. All the computer stuff I learned like Unix/Linux was on my own. I also have experience with AS 400's, DOS mainframe, and VMS (Let's not forget Windoze!). Asianhottie accually has some good pointers (for once). Don't go to a Vocational/Techincal school unless you are going for your Bachelor's Degree. I have an A.A.S. that I am paying back 30,000 for. Damn!:mad:
I wish I could go back to school for something OTHER THAN computers. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering Technology and a mixed degree in Computer Science/Communications. (Yes, 2 degrees) I should have stuck with accounting. The computer field is dragging and taking a lot of people down with it still. Mergers are a pain in the ass. The only thing saving me is EET from Purdue University right now. Lots of businesses looking to improve performance and reliability while reducing labor and expenses.
Best of luck. Hope networking in your area is better than in Indy. Not enough jobs and not enough money for me to move jobs right now.
NYCZMP3 said:
U MEAN BACHELORS from a real college or from the tech school...can u get bachelors from those tec/voca schools??

From either one. It is up to you. Try to find the best fit for you. Tech schoold are better for me cause they are more focused and hands on. A lot of companies know, and like that fact.
Be careful about what loans you take out. Talk to financial aid counselors.

The tech field was booming several years ago. The thing is that people knew that there would be a severe downturn in the economy since 1998 when things were going great but nobody wanted to listen to all the economists. Was it ignorance? NO! Pure stupidity> maybe So all of those people who were warned and didn't save up their money, too bad. These warning given by the economists were all over Nightline, CNN, local news, but nobody cared.

As for the accounting field, don't they make around $30,000? I think a computer tech job is better paying for now. Hopping jobs in the third quarter is not a good idea. Wait until the second quarter of next year when company stocks are better.
With a bachelors from a 4 year univ, you get more versitility. You are able to hop fields a little bit more with ease, but the road is long.

At a university, to fulfill your degree plan, for any degree, you have to take a lot of English, history, government, art/fine art, and chemistry classes that have to do NOTHING with your field or interest. You will get frustrated and think, "What the hell am I taking a biology course for when I am a computer science major?" That is the school's way of trying to weed out people who they think don't deserve a degree.

Either way you go, job experience also helps. If you want to be a computer analyst, work a computer related job, even if you are selling computers instead of cars or something. Employers of recent grad look at that.

Also, GPA is a huge factor in a univ.
LinuxRacr said:

I am an graduate of ITT Tech (E.E.T.). I don't really use my degree at all. All the computer stuff I learned like Unix/Linux was on my own. I also have experience with AS 400's, DOS mainframe, and VMS (Let's not forget Windoze!). Asianhottie accually has some good pointers (for once). Don't go to a Vocational/Techincal school unless you are going for your Bachelor's Degree. I have an A.A.S. that I am paying back 30,000 for. Damn!:mad:

I feel you there....I'm doing the same thing.
asianhottie said:
With a bachelors from a 4 year univ, you get more versitility. You are able to hop fields a little bit more with ease, but the road is long.

At a university, to fulfill your degree plan, for any degree, you have to take a lot of English, history, government, art/fine art, and chemistry classes that have to do NOTHING with your field or interest. You will get frustrated and think, "What the hell am I taking a biology course for when I am a computer science major?" That is the school's way of trying to weed out people who they think don't deserve a degree.

Either way you go, job experience also helps. If you want to be a computer analyst, work a computer related job, even if you are selling computers instead of cars or something. Employers of recent grad look at that.

Also, GPA is a huge factor in a univ.

I agree with you on a few points above about a 4 year degree. I have a 4-year B.S. in Management Information Systems with a minor in Computer Science.

When I entered the job market, two things eployers always asked about. Experience, and my GPA during school. I had 3 years of experience in Novell Network administration and 4 years in the Army National Guard, with a GPA of 3.6 overall. Usually in most of the interviews it boiled down to the employer trying to find somebody "qualified" with little experience so they could keep their initial salary offering lower.

Anyways, in software development we don't really have any people from vocational type curriculums, mainly math and computer science. Although, in our IT dept. we have lots of techs. that have that degree. I think lately with the dowturn in the economy, at least here in Mississippi, that field is almost burned out.

I always heard the reason we had to take all that stuff you mentioned above was to make a more "rounded" member of society. The classes were a joke compared to engineering classes in my opinion.

Good luck LinuxRacr!

PS>Funny you should mention Dos and AS400. I integrate a web front end with a legacy system... Javascript/.ASP/HTML mixed with MVS/OS390/COBOL/JCL... its like changing your oil, and reusing the old stuff. :D
asianhottie said:
As for the accounting field, don't they make around $30,000? I think a computer tech job is better paying for now. Hopping jobs in the third quarter is not a good idea. Wait until the second quarter of next year when company stocks are better.

Well, none of the accountants I know make less than 80k a year. I was less than 2 years from my accounting degree and was going to be a CPA and partner in an existing accounting firm. If you play your cards right, accounting is fat cash.
Also, pharmacy is huge. Lots of people getting older every day and wanting a miracle pill to fix all their problems. They do better than accountants. I know this for a fact as I live with one.
My salary is a little shy of that, but I'm not all that diasppointed. I just wish there were more of a market right now, and when capital spending costs are down (See Lucents $100million reduction) such as they are and probably will be for the next couple years, IT budgets usually get axed first as they seem to be overhead in managements mind.
cjstringer said:
Mods on #890: K&N Air Filer & Mobil1 Synth Oil
"...and going to work, I don't think I'm going to do that anymore."
"So, you're going to quit your job?"
"No...I just don't think I'll show up."
--Office Space
Kool...I didn't know lubes were mods. In that case, Pogo has one: Neo Synthetic Gear Oil. That stuff is THE best. Better than redline IMO. You can feel the gain in positive hookup.

ummm....yahhh... (hee hee..I use that all the time)
I don't think I'd like another job.
No, I'm just not gonna go.
You know I've never liked paying bills. I'm not gonna do that either.
And let's not foget the healthcare industry. Sure, if you don't want to go to school for 10 years to be a doctor, the industry is in dire need for nurses. My sister went to a trade school for 2 years in a podunk town here in Texas called Lubbock. She immediately got a job out of school to be an LVN making $40K/year. If you go longer, RNs make more. Sure it's hard work, but what hard work isn't rewarded monitarily? :) hence the pay for McDonald's french fry staff. lol!

I currently work for Dell, but that's what I am going to do.

Don't forget to visit to see all the new goodies! -making fun of myself here....
Mazdaspeedgirl said:
I currently work for Dell, but that's what I am going to do.

Don't forget to visit to see all the new goodies! -making fun of myself here....

DUDE you're working for DELL!!!! :D :D :D

have you gotten a chance to meet that Steve dude yet :D