Any photographers in here?

If you buy a brush, blower or wet solution kit, you can learn how to do it. It's not difficult, plus if you get some dust and you need the camera for immediate use, you won't have to wait for it to be serviced.

Small fashion show on Saturday. Testing out our lighting setups and these are 2 of the photogs that were there.


Lol I am loving the man beast D700 with the battery grip and what looks to be a SB-800 flash =) loverly full framer!!
hey photogs, hows this set-up to start? (commissions earned) im looking for a stobe/umbrella kit to light car shoots n such

That'll do but those come with the lights that you plug in to the wall sockets. If you want, just buy the air cushioned light stands and umbrellas..then get some hot shoe mounts separately so you can mount speedlite flashes onto them. That's what I did.

I bought 2 lightstands/umbrellas from ebay for like 60 bux. Then I bought Bogen heads from a local store. Then I bought 2 more air cushioned light stands from ebay because I have more flashes now.
True that wasn't the kit lens so just add another say...$1,500 to that =)

Gah I would kill for that setup!! SO sweet. I have no need for the full frame, but the FPS and ISO rates are what I drool over!! I am stuck with 3 FPS and decent noise at 800.

I do have a SB-600 which is really nice and the D80 has Commander capabilities.