An option for those looking for a switchblade remote keyfob

Hmm, this has me intrigued! Would you mind posting up a picture of your mazda key (not the one on the switchblade) so I can compare between what I have?

We're currently doing a GB in Aus here, and this is whats holding us back at the moment..
I'm unaware of a transponder for the keys in our cars at all. its possible the ADM would be different, but honestly, I doubt it. The key my car came with was literally JUST metal.. no plastic, nothing.
This is interesting, might have to pitch this to the wife for both Mazdas. Shipping is making my butt hurt.
I'm unaware of a transponder for the keys in our cars at all. its possible the ADM would be different, but honestly, I doubt it. The key my car came with was literally JUST metal.. no plastic, nothing.

Hmm, Im thinking it might be a JPN/AUS thing, and maybe also european...

only real way to find out I guess is to pull one apart :( Might wait till we're ready to purchase though ;)
pics or it didn't happen... as long as this thread is about the switch key, lets see all the options!

got around to taking the pic, havent cut the key yet but it fits


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That is a different sw blade shell for our remotes, off ebay I believe. Notice the key is actually 90 degrees different than the OP shell. It has chrome trim on the sides & I think the key just folds up against one side of the shell because of how it is oriented. I do like that one too, just preferred the Mazda emblem, more black & the key that hides inside the shell.
I got mine and the dealer cut it for free. I'm super happy with it. I did not drill for the panic button and haven't missed it once.
Yup, still no postal goodies.
btw, I marked it as a gift to avoid duties, etc.
thanks, that will save me a few extra bucks. I think you gotta be careful though, I've read comments on ebay that some sellers won't do it because it's considered fraud. And you could be fined, as well. I couldn't see that happening unless it involved large quantity/ high value goods. What really sucks though is they charge a " customs handling fee" of $5, regardless of item value. I paid that plus provincial sales tax(5%) and the federal gst(7%) on a $40 used mazdaspeed radio pocket. That equals 25% taxes on a USED item! Bastards.
free health care isn't free! LOL

technically it was a gift. it was my way of showing my appreciation for the $35 you sent me! fraud my ass! lol
yeah, that's right- I sent you money for your birthday and you're sending me a keyfob for mine! What's the harm in that? Happy belated (or early) birthday, cuz!
I just got mine yesterday!

Got the key cut today for free at a Mazda dealership - although the lady gave me some attitude "Why do you want to use THAT key?" And I'm like "Does it matter?".

I didn't want the panic button on the new fob, so I cut it out from the rubber sleeve. Though I cut it out differently than the picture posted earlier. I want the option of being able to reuse my OEM fob in the future. So, if I just cut right around the button like in the picture, then it'll just fall out of the hole. So I decided to cut the button out with some rubber around it, essentially cutting out a square. Worked well.

The key itself rattles a bit, that I didn't expect. But otherwise, I'm very, very happy with it!
Fortunately, the key was cut perfectly.

It came out of the package rattling, even before I had it cut. The blank is not a single piece with the rest of the flipping mechanism. So it's at the base of the key that rattles.

Is yours not like that? Is there no play at the base of the key? Like I said, it's not a huge deal and it definitely doesn't come out of the slot when it's flipped down or anything. Just something I didn't forsee :)
try pressing the pin through, it may not be seated on both sides. you can see it with the key about half way open.
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