Al-Qaeda's Zarqawi killed in Iraq

buttthrax said:
Did you just compare Zarqawi to Jesus? That is messed up.

What exactly was wrong with my comparison?

You can kill the man, but the message doesn't die.
Does it make anyone else uncomfortable that we televise and broadcast images of his and others dead bodies and bombings. It reminds me of similair films the terrorists like to put out after they accomplish a mission....Are we really not to be held to a higher level than them in these regards????
ProtoType5 said:
Does it make anyone else uncomfortable that we televise and broadcast images of his and others dead bodies and bombings. It reminds me of similair films the terrorists like to put out after they accomplish a mission....Are we really not to be held to a higher level than them in these regards????
It helps to keep those home fires burning.
ProtoType5 said:
Does it make anyone else uncomfortable that we televise and broadcast images of his and others dead bodies and bombings. It reminds me of similair films the terrorists like to put out after they accomplish a mission....Are we really not to be held to a higher level than them in these regards????

The Iraqi people wanted evidence. They wanted to see for sure that we was dead and the military was not just talking BS. Besides if we did not show his body, there would have been people here saying: It's all a lie, he's not dead, they did not kill him... yada..yada..yada. We showed the pictures and put all the hoopla to rest. The Iraqi people know that a man who targets civilians for death intentionally and sows fear in their hearts is dead. Did you not see them celebrating and cheering. We showed him from we neck up. Nothing degrading, not being dragged through the streets, not being hun, not beheading his corpse, not even making fun of his genatalia.

There is a big difference between showing a hosue getting blown up from far away and showing soldiers bodies being dragged through the streets or people who are living getting their heads hacked off.

But as a member of the blame America/America is evil crowd, there will always be something negative to say, there will always be defeat to pull from the jaws of victory. *sarcasm on* We all know America is not better than the terrorists and we are to blame for all the evils of the world and are no better than torturers and killers *sarcasm off* ...... what a load of BALONEY!!!!
1killercls said:

Look at you, you're so smart. I hope you're proud of yourself.
By the way, does anyone want to explain the song refernce to me since as I stated before I'm clueless as to that reference and Mr smarty Pants here would rather mock me than enlighten me.
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pluto316 said:
If you believe in the afterlife, maybe he's the one that's right then. Have you ever died before?

ill take my chances knowing that he is rotting in hell with the rest of those of the self combusting persuasion.
Snacks McGee said:
I say screw religion. That's the cause of all problems right there.

thing is, it's not really about religion or's more a dogma.
Dogma: An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.
Violence persists after al-Zarqawi's death

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Insurgents set a fire in a vegetable market to lure British soldiers into a gunbattle Sunday that left five civilians dead and more than a dozen hurt by the crossfire, Iraqi police said.

The fighting was part of a string of violent incidents Sunday amid a government stalemate and threats of continued violence from insurgents after the death of al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Police Capt. Hussein Karim said insurgents started the blaze in the market in south Amarah, 180 miles southeast of Baghdad, to draw the troops into an ambush.

YellowSpeedInNY said:
well than your an ignorant person, maybe we should bomb mississippi because there bad people there ,screw the innocent people as long as we get the bad people out the way
You may want to learn grammar before you call anyone ignorant. I mean Jesus, that first sentence is a nightmare.

LoL...what a moron.