AEM needs your MazdaSpeed Protege

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Why not buy one?
you all want all the AEM lineup. Theyre a big company, they can cough up 20k to produce some parts for us...
Just seems like a weird place to look for a car to make some stuff for.
KyRaceFan said:
Why not buy one?
you all want all the AEM lineup. Theyre a big company, they can cough up 20k to produce some parts for us...
Just seems like a weird place to look for a car to make some stuff for.
they aren't that big of a company that they can spend 20k unnecessarily. there will be people who will donate their cars to them for just what the part costs them (which they would spend regardless) for any part they are going to develop, why spend 20k on something they can get for free? especially in a market where the demand isn't that great because there just aren't that many cars out there to begin with comparatively. that just doesn't make sense to me from a business perspective.
i can see them coming to the internet to get volunteers, they know who is going to be buying their products so if they come on here, let people know they are in development (building buzz), and have them built on a car whose owner will vouche for the product on the board, they will get more sales. also for such a limited run car, there are a ton (proportionally) of people on this board who own one, so if they get the word out here then a whole lot of the people who own the car will know what is coming. but like i said, i'll believe it when i see it.
good points jred. The limited run.. maybe 4000 total msp's. doesnt make sense to waste money on it when the profit is minimal.
But that begs the question, how did injen prototype their intake..
who knows.
I'll believe it when i see it.
i thought someone on this board was injen's prototype, maybe spicymsp or someone that posts pretty frequently
i already have a aem cai on my car i was playin around with parts that i have in my shop and i was looking at one pipe of an aem cold air intake for a new civic 5spd and it fit great i will post a picture tomorrow
whoa ! sign me up for everything u guys can offer ! but wait, let me get a job first so i can afford everything...
geeze JFLO you live in Fullerton.. thats where we have our weekly meets! you should stop by and visit the SO cal Mazda Crew.
Thanks AEM, I would rather have the EMS, but for starters an intake would be great. Injen has one (thaks Steph) but I run all AEM equipment on my Si, and love it, so want to try to get this little MSP as fast as the Si (fingers crossed). From what I have read SRI (short ram intakes) produce more HP than CAI (cold air intakes), true??
I would definately buy a CAI convertable to SRI...but it would have to be alot cheaper than K&N Typhoon. ALOT CHEAPER. I need a SRI AEM!
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Why is eveyone wanting a SRI/CAI conversion bull ? People, you can starve an engine of air, if you run a CAI on a boosted car. Granted, most people dont run more then 8-10 PSI on thier MSP, but even then, you could still possibly do it.

The CAI, even though providing colder air, has at least another 10-12 inches of pipe for the air to travel. Then from there, through an extremly restrictive IC, and piping system, then the Throttle body.

Whereas, an SRI will provide a shorter pipe for th air to travel, and if built correctly, can avoid most of the engine bay heat. :D

Edit: On top of that, since my car has been flashed, I have been running just an open element K&N filter, and it pulls harder, and accellerates better, then pre flash and the INJEN, and post flash and injen. :D

Just my 0.02 AEM_TECH
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I want a SRI...boostisgood is right behind the SRI. The reason for having a SRI/CAI conversion is more bang for your buck. I know plenty of people who run CAI on there MSP and its fine, definately not the best. I know SRI are the best for turbos because that 90 degree bend on CAI just means more obstrution for airflow. Just look at the stock intake and look how long that thing is. There is a nasty bend to accomidate that box filter. Not arguing with you but if they can place a CAI/SRI conversion at the same price as a CAI...I rather buy that. Two intakes for the price of one. How could you say no to that?

From a marketing standpoint AEM can increase sales by designing SRI/CAI conversion because they could design an intake that works both on NA and Turbos and cut production cost and design. They broaden there market. How does this effect the consumer? Lower prices on intakes. Direct competition between K&N Typhoon means lower prices. Volume selling means lower prices. Its a win win situation for both sides. In Economics consumer behavior says more of a good is prefered to less of a good. If people are offered two intakes for the price of one...they are going to go for the two. Thats only if AEM decides to do this. If the price is right, consumers will follow. By right price I do not mean $500 for an intake cough: K&N Typhoon :cough
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I don't see what all this bend deal is, we already have tons of bends. The stock tube has a much worse bend before the box and the Injen takes that away...just as an AEM CA would.
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