Add me to the tick list

2002 Yellow P5
I picked up a ticking this weekend. I thought I heard it Saturday when driving and I for sure had it today coming to work. I don't hear it at idle but over 3000 rpm I seem to get it and it is engine speed dependent. (Faster with higher rpms). Sometimes it goes away. I've had it a little lower than 3000 too. I do run the motor. And it has alot of mile. Almost 239,000. I burn oil too. I haven't done a compression test (have to find my tester.) Any ideas where to look? I might have gotten a little low on oil but I added after noticing it Saturday and it didn't go away.

I'm not really in a position right now to toss her our but with the miles and all of the rust he's not worth sinking a ton of money into.

Thanks for any help guys (and gals.)
Rod bearings might be shot. If so its a ticking time bomb...

But... Valve train is pretty noisy in the fs-de. But you've never heard this noise before? Or its just much louder now? A small exhaust leak will lead to your valve train being heard much more easily. Do you hear it more as you gas harder? Or is it constant based upon RPM?
I know it's not a "quiet" motor. I've put 160,000 of the miles on it. It's a new sound. I am usually pretty tuned in to the sounds the motor/car makes. Other than ripping into it, there's no way to check on a rod bearing is there?

It's RPM dependent. it doesn't get louder, just speeds up with the motor. The weird thing is that it sometimes goes away. Of course that could be the bearings getting to a good spot right before they go back to all of the badness.... Yeah, I so don't need this right now.
I know it's not a "quiet" motor. I've put 160,000 of the miles on it. It's a new sound. I am usually pretty tuned in to the sounds the motor/car makes. Other than ripping into it, there's no way to check on a rod bearing is there?

It's RPM dependent. it doesn't get louder, just speeds up with the motor. The weird thing is that it sometimes goes away. Of course that could be the bearings getting to a good spot right before they go back to all of the badness.... Yeah, I so don't need this right now.

Sounds like a bearing...

And I feel ya, my pro has been off the road for a couple weeks now. Things like this always come on at bad times, when everything else is already moving too fast.
Hate to break it to ya, but you know what they say... tick, tick, boom...
Tick is now present at almost any speed over idle. Any non invasive way to check? Other syptoms? How long does it take to go? Scenario if I do let it run till it goes? Is the best fix a motor swap?
A little more info... I changed the oil tonight. It sounds higher in the motor. Could it just be a noisy lifter? It's also in the middle of the motor (cylinder-wise). I pulled the valve cover gasket and nothing looked wrong or loose or anything. I didn't expect to see anything but I had to do something.

Plus I could be totally wrong about all of this.
I can't really get it to tick while not under load though. Does this make sense?

A little more info... I changed the oil tonight. It sounds higher in the motor. Could it just be a noisy lifter? It's also in the middle of the motor (cylinder-wise). I pulled the valve cover gasket and nothing looked wrong or loose or anything. I didn't expect to see anything but I had to do something.

Plus I could be totally wrong about all of this.

Yes, the lifters and valvetrain are very noisy. Check for exhaust leaks; see previous posts...
Where would it be leaking from (exhaust) that is? Really we have the exhaust manifold connects to the precat and then it all tucks up under the car. I'd think it would have to be at the manifold/block connection or manifold/precat connection for it to be heard.

I noticed on my way in today it really only makes noise when I'm on the gas. As soon as I let off the gas it goes away.
Where would it be leaking from (exhaust) that is? Really we have the exhaust manifold connects to the precat and then it all tucks up under the car. I'd think it would have to be at the manifold/block connection or manifold/precat connection for it to be heard.

I noticed on my way in today it really only makes noise when I'm on the gas. As soon as I let off the gas it goes away.

It's not the exhaust leak you're hearing... An opening (can be veryyy small) just accentuates the noisy valvetrain. I don't really know why, I guess it makes sense logically, but I know when I had a small leak from a hairline crack in my EGR tube, I could hear my lifters & valvetrain VERY noticeably.

*Not saying thats what it is for sure, but something to check for. There's still a good chance, judging from where the noise is coming from and the mileage on your motor, that you have a spun bearing.
I hear you. I know this is all keyboard diagnostics anyhow. I guess I would have thought a spun bearing would sound like it was "lower".

When a bearing goes, what does it do? I know how 2-strokes typically go but never had one go on a car/truck. Will it sieze the crank? Just die on me?
Those are both possibilities. I spun a bearing on my motor, it bent the crank and threw a rod... It was ugly. Mine went ~5k miles after I bought it tho, lol. :( I
I'm guessing the faster more economical route is a motor replacement anyhow right? Unfortunately this is my sole means of transportation.

I've got AAA towing for 100 miles!
Not sure if we're talking the same tick...but I had a tick that behaved the same as yours. It was a lifter tick caused by some guy adding a liter too much oil! The excess oil foamed and filled the cylinder chamber. I removed the spark plugs and also noticed a drop of oil near the electrode of one of the plugs. I had them drain the oil, it's fine now. Make sure you don't have too much/too little oil. Hope this helps!
You know what you are describing sounds alot like what my tick sounds like but I cant figure it out either. By any chance does it sound like this ?

I'd say mine sounded like that before I got the tick! The AEM intake I have is loud. It's sucking air and not quiet at all about it. I had a nice soot slick behind my exhaust from starting it up yesterday. It was about 30 inches long and 6 inches wide.
LOL, I have the same soot slick in my garage, everyone tells me its cheap gas but I have only used Chevron mid grade for going on 3 years now didn't think Chevron was cheap gas. Next thing your gonna tell me is every once in a while upon initial start up you get white smoke.
I don't know that I'd say it's white, but there is smoke. It doesn't use any coolant and that usually a white smoke, but I can smoke out my neighborhood if it's not run for a couple of days. I am sure to pull in and open the garage door before I fire it up.
Try using a long screwdriver or invest in a decent automotive stethoscope. That'll be the best way to find the source of your tick. Smoke isn't good, people brag up seafoam, maybe try that. My p5 knocked on start up but that faded to nothing after adding lucas oil honey, no smoke from mine though. Maybe you'd be good to do a head job before the rest of the engine blows.

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