A/T transmission help needed


2002 protege 5
My girlfriend has an 02 Protege5 with 80k on it. In August we were driving out of town when it lost 3rd and 4th gear. Drove 100 miles back in second gear since a tow would have cost hundreds of dollars. Made it back fine, took it to her friends shop who diagnosed a bad transmission that was throwing a slipping code. Said a rebuild would be a min $2k.

Since she didn't have the money I figured I would tackle the job myself since I have a little experience with older automatics. Paid about $400 for a rebuild kit and new t/c. The tear down was straight forward, the fluid was very black so I figured the problem would be obvious. When I had the whole trans pulled apart the clutches and steels looked good aside from a little glazing on the clutches. I reassembled the trans with help of the ASTG manual and the FSM, everything was within spec and i used all of the rebuild parts. It went back together smoothly. I ohm'd all of the solinoids and they were all right on spec. The valve body looked new and the bores were all clean. I could see no problems causing the loss of 3rd and 4th gear. I adjusted the range sensor by feel where it clicked since neither manual detailed the procedure. Additionally I could not check the tension on the 2/4 band since you need the SST and an array of replacement bolts. It felt pretty close upon tensioning though.

After it was all put back together I took it for a test drive. The trans will not hold in 2nd or 4th gear and feels like it engages and then goes back into neutral. 1st and 3rd work great. After a bit of slipping the a/t light comes on but my scanner can't read the code, only clear it. The scanner (innova 3130) is a decent unit that scans for transmission codes also, so I have no idea why it can't pull the a/t code.

Anyone have any ideas on trouble shooting this? Even if I pulled the trans back apart I would have no idea what the problem would be.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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