Some Idiot Just Injured Natasha!!!


Mazda 3s Sedan
These are some pics of my 3 after yesterdays accident...i got t-boned driving down the road....i am sad.


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mindiraser said:
These are some pics of my 3 after yesterdays accident...i got t-boned driving down the road....i am sad.

damn man that sucks, how much is it gonna cost ta have fixed?
atleast it doens't look like it ws bad enough to bend the frame

sucks bad my sister had 2100 miles on here car she was in a hit and run and had like 2400 in damage to her grand prix looked worse than that but still sucks ass
ahh s***. That sucks.

I saw one at the dealer 10 mins ago that would make you feel a lot better. 3 hatch, with the entire front gone.

Yours isn't that bad actually. If I had to have damage on my car....that's where I'd want it. It's nothing to do a door or two vs a quarter panel somewhere. Just replace the front door, and have the other one touched up. Don't let them paint something they don't need to. God damn body shops try to "Blend" everything and that's the worse thing they can do sometimes. Keep as much factory paint untouched that you can imho.

Good luck
that deffinately sucks. Im sorry. I hope everything get's fixed ok and she's back to the way she was. Newf is right.. thank god it wasn't something that is terrible to replace or fix like the front end and core support, or quarter panels. Good luck to ya!

mindiraser said:
These are some pics of my 3 after yesterdays accident...i got t-boned driving down the road....i am sad.

That sincerely blows man, wow.... (braindead
wow.. that sucks.. the damage is so bad it makes your car look blurry now??

j/k. but seriously.. sorry to hear/see it. she'll be looking sexy again soon, i'm sure. i just hope you (everyone) are okay!!
yeah, you got hit in the best possible place.. not too much bodywork required. at least ya didn't get rearended.. that would've sucked

yeah i am ok...just a little stiff and all. that was my first wreck and i am 22, and it was my first car i have ever owned, and it has about 6300 miles on her. i have had a motorcycle all my life, had i been on that i could have avoided the accident.....but it is ok. her insurance is paying and they have been really cool about everything...i am taking it to mazda, me and the service department are pretty cool. one of them said, "hey jason, dont u need a spoiler and ur windows tinted?", so i will come out on top...and they are going to replace both doors for me. so not to bad. i am glad i got hit there, best place for it.

thanks for the posts.....and to answer a previous ?, i have had her since of the first cars w/o the 2.3 decals....

take it easy all and watch out for prissy airforce BMW drivers on their way to house parties with cases of beer and a couple of 5ths in the floorboard, they can do some (dark)
mindiraser said:
take it easy all and watch out for prissy airforce BMW drivers on their way to house parties with cases of beer and a couple of 5ths in the floorboard, they can do some (dark)
Do you mind letting us know the details of what happened?
I'm just curious, that's all. A BMW hit ya?