Recent content by WildMidwest

  1. W

    2014 Mazda 3 Radio Issues

    Is this different than the audio "going underwater" at every intersection when Navigating and Voice Nav is turned off?
  2. W

    Mazda 3s 6 speed MANUAL?

    I bought an iTouring manual HB with Tech package. I love the light colored fabric and absence of moonroof. There's no need for heated seats with fabric. I drove mine on some very cold days and my buns were perfectly toasty, though my feet were a bit cold. The iTouring MT is a compelling car...
  3. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    I am liking v29 better than before. For some reason, v29 took several days to figure out how to load my contacts. Now it's working just fine. I haven't had any IT crashes since updating from v25.
  4. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    I just bought a new LG flip phone (I dislike fragile smart phones) but v29 still doesn't load contacts. At least pairing works better than with my old LG flip phone.
  5. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    V30 was recalled, as I wrote in message 188 above. V29 was (for me) a downgrade from v25. I wish I would have stuck with what I had before. My dealer needed to know which problem I was having before they would install the firmware for free. I mentioned that my cellphone wouldn't connect...
  6. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    You were probably not the first customer to receive the update at your service station... or maybe my dealership is connected to the internet via a 1980's era dial-up modem.
  7. W

    Programming a spare keyless remote for third generation MZ3

    People can differ on what is a reasonable price for a car key. $230 may not sound reasonable to the person who loses things often. The idea of purchasing a third car key before losing either of the OEM keys (i.e, to save a future expensive purchase) is no longer valid with the third generation...
  8. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    V29 (or whatever they installed) killed my ability to associate my LG flip-phone to the ITS via Bluetooth. Previously it worked intermittently, now it doesn't work at all. There still is no ability to use my fifth generation iPod 80 GB (the last iPod before the Classic model) except over 1/8th...
  9. W

    Programming a spare keyless remote for third generation MZ3

    On further inquiry my dealer's service department quoted me an electronic key programming cost of $105 plus 5.5% sales tax. A new metal key blank is about $35... so I will be pushing $200 even using my $55 used eBay key if I get the metal blank filed. A fully programmed new key would be $230 +...
  10. W

    Programming a spare keyless remote for third generation MZ3

    My dealer quoted me $110 to reprogram the MZ3 key I bought off eBay, not including grinding price for a new physical key. Does anybody know where to get it done less expensively? Thanks.
  11. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    My car is in the service department today for a firmware update. The technicians informed me v30 was recalled by Mazda this morning and it's been replaced by V29. I am not sure exactly what the issue was but v30 was said to be unstable.
  12. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    What's different in V30?
  13. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    Oops, I wrote too soon -- my IT system crashed today under v25, then spontaneously rebooted. So while not too annoying, it definitely underscores the reliability question I raised before.
  14. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    I am still trying to decide about the v29 firmware update... Does it fix more than it breaks? I haven't had any BSOD with v25, but I did experience Nav unresponsiveness and an IT startup crash one time. I am scheduled for a firmware update on April 29 unless I cancel the appointment.
  15. W

    Infotainment System Bugs

    What does v.29 do differently than 25-27?